What A Mighty Green Week

Eleven very happy Sidmouth Running Club beginners successfully completed the Mighty Green 5k nonstop run on Wednesday evening.  Course leader and chairman Terry Bewes said it was a great achievement and testament to their hard work over the last five weeks.  The group are very encouraging and supportive to each other and it won’t be long before they are all happily and confidently running in the weekly club runs.

Smiles all round for the Beginners Group

A special mention goes to beginner Sue Goater who completed her 100th park run at Seaton last Saturday.  How can a beginner have run 100 Park runs? Sue is returning to running after a break and new to East Devon wanted the opportunity to meet people and get to know the area.  Well done Sue.

On Saturday Niall Hawkins and David King represented SRC at Exeter City Community Trust’s Half Marathon.

David King and Niall Hawkins ran the Exeter half

The 2 lap course started at Piazza Terracina, along the Quayside and around Riverside Valley Park. The event is held on Sunday too with an extended cut off time, Saturday’s event has a 2 hour cut off and both Niall and David were well within that time.  In fact Niall ran his first sub 90 half, 89.50 finishing in 58th place despite having ankle issues and David finished in 1:41:32, 93rd in a field of 176.  Congratulations to both.

Four Mighty Greens lined up under the SRC flag on Sunday morning at Exmouth seafront, 3 runners and a marshal.

Good to see injured MG Emma Grainger marshalling

They were taking part in the Bradleys 10k organised by Lizzie Mayne of LME Events.  The chilly wind didn’t deter Marion Johnson who had a great run along the two laps of Exmouth seafront and was first lady in her age category, finishing in 1:03:41,

Marion Johnson crossing the line

for Terry Bewes it was his longest run since having Covid and was very happy to have got around without stopping in a very respectable 1:07:31,

Terry Bewes reflecting on his first 10k since Covid

as for Alexa Baker, she finished eventually in 1:09:44. It was great to have MG marshal Emma Grainger cheering us on and the marshals from sponsor Bradleys-especially Sidmouth’s Stephen and Sarah French.

Marion Johnson with her prize for first woman in her age category

Down as a recovery run after the Blackdown Beast and the 4 Trigs, run leader Sarah Watkins ended up running a 12 miler, taking her group from Newton Poppleford to Budleigh Salterton and back.  Great training for the upcoming Grizzly, JP’s Exe to Axe and Sweetcombe Scramble marathon.

Beccy, Kathy, Kate and Ann enjoyed Sarah’s ‘recovery’ run

Posted in SRC

Record Breaking 4 Trigs and not just the weather!

One of the things that makes running so special is that no two runs are the same. There are lots of reasons; how you are feeling, who you are running with, mileage, terrain and the weather.  This year the weather for the 4 Trigs Challenge totally transformed the run as the sun was out and the horrendous conditions of last year became a distant memory.  It was possibly why two longstanding records were broken, Samuel Kelly was 1st man home in 2:09:15 beating G Perratt’s record of 2:09:40 back in 2004 and Jo Meek was first woman home in 2:36:31 beating L Kendon’s record of 2:37:00 in 2010.  Richard Summerhayes was SRC’s first man home 2:48:05 in 18th place and Jessica Watkins was SRC’s first woman home in 3:34:33-fantastic running by both.

Mighty Greens getting ready for the off

Organised by Marion and Robert Hayman, the local event is now in its 21st year and supports the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY).  The aim is to visit each of the four Triangulation Pillars around the Sid Valley with runners choosing their own routes, but they must visit each Trig Point in order (Weston Cliff was first this year) taking in the 5 Check points to help taper the route.

The Mighty Greens out in force

It is not for the faint hearted, Mighty Green and one of the sponsors for the event, Richard King rates it above The Grizzly for toughness with 3,740 feet of elevation over 17 miles.  However, this did not deter Sidmouth Running Club members with 36 entering some having ran the Blackdown Beast the previous week.  The Mighty Greens had been preparing for the challenge by upping their mileage on the Club Sunday runs. This year the training was in worse conditions underfoot than the actual event; no slip sliding down the mud to Weston mouth and running through rivers of water for example!

A cheeky selfie going up Salcombe Hill of Colin Ryan

It is always further than you think to get to Weston and you somehow forget how many steps there are but clipping two check points in quick succession you start to feel you are getting somewhere.

Selfie stop at Weston trig for Mark Andow, Stuart Moul, Becky McDonald, Paul Reeve and Graham Sheppard

The welcome banana and water stop near the Donkey Sanctuary sends you on through Harcombe to Buckton Hill following a new diversion, and what a steep one it was.  Heading down into Sidbury it was a lovely surprise to see MG Derek Blackburn cheering everyone on before the road crossing.

Jessica Watkins taking on water

After following the Sidmouth Ring to White Cross and the last water/banana checkpoint, you know you are very near Beacon Hill trig, 3 down one to go!  Heading down the valley decisions need to be made, down the zig zag path or through the wood-the wood is quicker for sure.

Sue Collman and Sarah Watkins with a stunning view

Next into Harpford Woods for the 8th check point by the bridge then keeping your eyes peeled for the river crossing before heading up through the wood to try and cross the main road at the top of Four Elms Hill safely! Up again to Keebles seat onto Muttersmoor which always seems to be never ending but knowing the final trig is in sight keeps you going and soon you are thinking one more up then it is all downhill!

It’s a thumbs up from Sarah Watkins, Kerry salter, Clare Luke and Alexa Baker at High Peak

Recovering from long term injuries MG’s Cath Miller and Monica Read walked 2 trigs whilst Sue Collman ran the first two and was nearly persuaded to carry on to Beacon Trig-next year apparently!  The rest of the MG’s completed all four, some for the first time but all with a smile.

SRC’s Neville Hylton enjoyed running with his son and daughter in law but didn’t join in their celebratory handstand at each trig!

Neville Hylton’s son and daughter in law celebrating reaching Fire Beacon Trig with a handstand

Mighty Greens Grahame Womersley-Westlake and Colin Ryan both had a great day enjoying the wonderful weather, views, and company.  Grahame had aimed to complete the race in under 3.5 hours and was pleased to finish in 3:29:42 while Colin was delighted to knock 5 minutes of last years’ time, finishing in 3:20:02-possibly due to the 100+ Jelly Babies he ate on route!  MG Becky McDonald said she was so glad she did a last minute sign up as she got to enjoy the best conditions ever for the 4 Trigs! Running together Sarah Watkins, Kerry Salter, Clare Luke and Alexa Baker kept repeating chairman Terry Bewes’ mantras, head up, chest out, use your arms, fairy steps especially towards the end when High Peak beckoned.

Stuart Moul smiling in the Sidmouth sunshine

The welcome back at The Sailing Club was second to none especially as the baked potatoes and cake could be enjoyed on the sunny balcony and Kate Truman from Phyzz Soft Tissue Therapy was generously offering a post-event massage in return for donations to CRY.

Naomi Garrick enjoying her well deserved jacket potato

But the very best bit was there were no muddy wet shoes to sort out!

Four Trigs visited by Cathy Keast and Helen Palmer

Sidmouth Running Club would like to thank the organisers, marshals and kitchen volunteers who made this event happen.  A special mention and thank you must go to the sponsors of the event, Nigel Winchester, of Ian Winchesters and Sons, and Richard King of Kings Garden and Leisure.

Marion and Robert are delighted with how the event went especially as approximately £2,500.00 has been raised for CRY this year and would like to thank everyone for their generosity.

SRC Results:

Richard Summerhayes 2:48:05, Antony Hall 3:09:50, Martin Barnard 3:15:45, Jim Forrer 3:15:45, Ross Walton 3:19:17, Colin Ryan 3:20:02, David Chipping 3:21:50, Adrian Harris 3:27:23, Grahame Womersley-Westlake 3:29:42, Jack Rowarth 3:33:28, Jessica Watkins 3:34:33, Richard King 3:35:34, Mark Norton 3:42:50, David King 3:47:17, Ronnie Masters 4:01:21, Mark Andow 4:04:42, Becky McDonald 4:04:42,  Stuart Moul 4:04:42, Paul Reeve 4:04:42, Neville Hylton 4:09:54, Graham Sheppard 4:19:11, Naomi Garrick 4:39:30, David Palmer 4:42:44, Adrian Horne 4:46:31, John Keast 4:52:48, David Wright 4:55:32, Cathy Keast 5:01:59, Helen Palmer 5:01:59, Alexa Baker 5:15:54, Clare Luke 5:15;54, Kerry Jones 5:15:54, Sarah Watkins 5:15:54

Posted in SRC

The Beautifully Brutal Blackdown Beast

Sidmouth Running Club was out in force on Saturday taking part in The Blackdown Beast.  The 16 mile social run with 10 mile option provides a great opportunity to use it as training for the upcoming Four Trigs, Grizzly, JP’s Exe to Axe and the Sweetcombe Scramble Marathon.

The Mighty Greens Gather Around The Flag

Organised by Honiton Running Club and with special permission from local farm/land owners the Mighty Greens had to self-navigate their way around the picturesque landscape.

One of the queues to get through the gates

Looking for white drawing pins on posts and gateways proved interesting, at one point two groups of Mighty Greens lost their way but all was not lost as they saw a deer.  Between the printed instructions in one group and the high tech version in the other they soon were back on the right track.

Mud and other farm substances also featured heavily along the route, Kathy Jordan lost her trainer early on but managed to stay upright to pull it out and gamely put it back on.

Kathy Jordan with both shoes on in the mud

The first leg was 7.6 miles on seldom used footpaths which took you to the first refreshment stop at Smeatharpe.  Here we were treated to hot pasties and mulled cider with an option to wrap the pasty in foil to save for later. A great idea as it was too cold to hang around for long.

Enjoying the hot pasty and mulled cider stop

The next 2.8 mile leg along lanes and country paths dropped down to Upottery.  This was the point where the 10 milers waited for the mini bus to take them back to the start.

The 10 milers waiting for the mini bus at The Sidmouth Arms

The 16 milers continued to Rawridge then a climb to Luppitt for the final refreshment stop before running the final 2.7 mile leg back to Dunkeswell Airfield.

As the minibus dropped off the SRC 10 milers, Mighty Greens Neville Hylton and Stuart Moul were just finishing with David Wright not far behind.

All the Mighty Greens enjoyed the well organised event and the opportunity to run without the pressure of being timed especially as the many gates and stiles naturally slowed you down.

January Weather Does Not Deter The Mighty Greens!

SRC run leader Bex McDonald timed her route to perfection on the Sunday run, finishing just before the heavy rain started.  Bex led the 9 mile off road run along the Coleridge Trail and the runners were pleased to get the hilly section out of the way first and thoroughly enjoyed the scenery.

Sunday Runners with leader Bex McDonald

Following the sleet/snow of Wednesday morning, six hardy beginners returned for a hill rep session which soon got them glowing and taking off layers.  Despite the icy conditions, everyone did really well and got back in one piece!

Mighty Green Clive Gilbert had a busy weekend, he joined fellow Mighty Greens on Saturday at Exmouth parkrun then led the Sunday run the following morning.  It was a very cold parkrun, with a biting wind but it didn’t put off SRC Juniors, Brody Bray, Jack and Amelia Womersley-Westlake who were running it for the first time.

Mighty Greens at a very cold Exmouth Parkrun

Run leader Clive was pleasantly surprised when 19 club runners met him in the car park on Sunday as he had had doubts that he might be the only one running especially as it was so cold.  Clive’s 7 mile route took in Southerton, Harpford Common, Aylesbeare Common, where there was still snow in places, and Dotton.  There were runners in the group stepping up their mileage for the first time who felt encouraged and supported by Clive and really enjoyed themselves.

Sunday runners with leader Clive Gilbert

Posted in SRC

Snakes and Circuits

Avoiding the muddy tracks of East Devon, Amelia Frankpitt ran on very different terrain in Western Australia recently when she entered the Perth 10k.  A 7am start avoided the worst of the heat and the Mighty Green enjoyed the rocky and rooty course and was relieved not to come across any snakes.

Amelia Frankpitt enjoying running in the sun

The Sidmouth Running Club Juniors had a very successful first night back last week in St Johns Sports Hall.  The 8-11 and 11+ groups joined together for circuit training. Organised by leader Sharon Hall there were 12 stations to strengthen, stretch and improve fitness and it was encouraging to see all the leaders and helpers joining in too.  The younger age group will focus on the ‘FUNdamentals’, running, jumping and throwing whilst the 11+ group will take to the streets of Sidmouth to build on their running abilities. Please contact Kerry, Junior Coach, on www.Sidmouthrunningclub.co.uk if you have someone interested in joining the groups.

The 8-11 and 11+ groups enjoyed circuits.

Posted in SRC

SRC hits the (muddy) ground running into 2023

SRC welcomed new members to its first club run of the year including nine in the Beginners group with more to join next week.  Chairman and beginners course leader Terry Bewes had to think on his feet when it was clear a mile and a half in that the beginner’s group were very competent!

The Beginners Group 2023

Ahead of the Juniors starting back on 11th January, Amelia Womersley-Westlake took part in Axe Valley Runners, Axmouth Challenge on Sunday morning, before heading over to Budleigh Salterton to cheer her mum, Donna, over the finish line in her first half marathon.

Medal winners Clare, Amelia and Donna

Amelia’s dad said despite the nasty hill to start with Amelia really enjoyed running the mile course especially through the muddy bits and receiving her medal and cake at the end.

A very happy Amelia

Seven Mighty Greens took part in Climb South Wests’ The Walter Raleigh Round half marathon starting and finishing in Budleigh Salterton.

MG’s waiting to start The Walter Raleigh Round (+Colin Ryan)

The muddy, challenging route took in High Peak, the birthplace of Sir Walter Raleigh and surrounding countryside where he spent time as a child.  Darren Pearce had nowhere to go when the runner in front of him went flying in the mud so ended up flying on top of him! They then went on to run most of the way back together.


As well as the mud and river crossings the runners had to face strong wind and hail at one point but all finished with smiles on their faces.

First MG over the finish line Colin Ryan

Results: Colin Ryan 2:09:39, Ollie Goodchild-Horne 2:10:40, Darren Pearce 2:30:08, Adrian Horne 2:52:35, Carol Hounsell 3:18:31, Sarah Watkins 3:20:54, Clare Luke 3:33:00, Donna Womersley-Westlake 3:34:30.

Further afield MG Toby Garrick took part in the SW cross country championships at RNAS Merryfield in Somerset.  Again mud featured heavily in the route and Toby’s mum, fellow MG Naomi, was on hand to cheer him over the finish line in 24:24, 29th in a field of 138. They were able to cheer on Sidmouth’s Kirsteen Welsh (2nd female) and Toby De Gruchy representing Exeter Harriers too.

A muddy Toby Garrick

The First Chance 10k organised by SW Road Runners had six Mighty Greens enter who all enjoyed the flat course around Exeter Riverside Valley Park on Sunday.  David Knapman finished in 7th place, 2nd MV40 with a time of 33:21 and his sister Becky was delighted to find out she had knocked 3.5 minutes off her PB!

Results: David Knapman 33:21, Clive Gilbert 50:27, Becky Knapman 52:03, Don Cawartha 52:04, Sam Ingram 54:09, Debbie Cawartha 58:27.

The first of the Sunday runs started too, with a choice of two distances: a 16 miler with Richard King and a 9 miler with Alexa Baker.

The Sunday 17 milers including Richard the photographer

Richard’s route was a mixture of Four Trigs, Exe to Axe and the terrain of the Grizzly with perfect training conditions i.e.: wet slippery mud, a strong South Westerly wind and rain.

Richard’s group had rivers to cross

Alexa’s route took in two trigs in preparation for the upcoming Four Trigs event and was as equally muddy and slippery in places!

More mud

These mile building Sunday runs are a chance to improve running fitness in preparation for upcoming races whilst losing yourself in the elements and changing landscape.

Enjoying the Sunday 9 miler

Posted in SRC

Sunny Bank Holiday Marathon for SRC’s Jo and Jane

Mighty Greens Jo Earlam and Jane Hemsworth took part in Running Events Devon’s’ marathon on Monday.  The event took place on the old railway line between Exmouth and Budleigh, a 3.3 mile out and back route which they ran 8 times in 6 hours. Surprisingly the elevation over the 26.7 miles was 1,700 feet but they both enjoyed it especially as it was Jane’s 36th marathon and Jo’s 97th.  Jo has less than 100 miles to run to her 100th marathon.  Congratulations you Mighty Greens.

Jane and Jo with their medals

Posted in SRC

SRC Festive Fun Runs and Future Events In 2023

With a prize on offer for the most festively dressed runner on Wednesdays’ club run, members excelled themselves wearing Santa hats, tinsel and fairy lights.

Run leader Alexa Baker won the prize for most festively dressed

The bottle of wine went to Alexa Baker, who was leading the 3 mile group dressed as an Elf; a naughty Elf as it turned out as she got distracted by the lovely  light displays especially around the Bennett Hill area and it turned into a 4 mile run!  Luckily the runners enjoyed the route and sang an impromptu rendition of We Wish You A Merry Christmas only to be mistaken for carol singers!

The 3 mile group enjoying the festive lights

Taking the 4-5 mile group, run leader Yasmin Salter had planned ahead and the group ran a perfectly well executed reindeer on Strava

Run leader Yasmin Salter cleverly planned a reindeer route

as well as enjoying the festive lights along the way.

The festive 4-5 mile group

The Boxing Day run is a great opportunity for visiting family, friends and dogs to join the club runners and run off some of the festive food.  Luckily the rain cleared before we set off by the Sailing Club,

Feeling pleased to have made it to the start of the Boxing Day run

and ran up through the Byes to Fortescue, up Soldiers Hill, down into Salcombe Regis, back up to the Frog stone

The hills are behind us smiles!

and gathered at the top of the grass of Salcombe Hill to get into formation to ‘Dambuster’ down the hill-quite a sight to behold as arms flap, goggles are worn, and the tune is loudly sung!

Taking time to enjoy the beautiful view in the glorious sunshine

The views were stunning in the sunshine and some hardy runners went on to have a Boxing Day dip!

Membership for Sidmouth Running Club is open for 2023, a friendly, supportive club with runs on Monday and Wednesday evenings with 3, 4-5 and 6 mile options and on road/off road options too.  There is a programme of Sunday morning runs in place for those wishing to increase their mileage ready for upcoming races like The 4 Trigs, The Blackdown Beast, The Grizzly and our very own Sweetcombe Scramble Marathon and JP’s Exe to Axe in April.

The SRC Juniors return from their Christmas break on Wednesday 11th January and would welcome any child interested in joining the 8-11 or the 11+ year old groups.

There are a few spaces still available on the upcoming Beginners course which starts on Wednesday 4th January at St Johns School at 7.15pm.  Who knows, next Boxing Day it could be you ‘flying down’ Salcombe Hill!

For further information on the Juniors, Beginners course, club runs, Sweetcombe Scramble marathon and JP’s Exe to Axe please go to www.sidmouthrunningclub.co.uk

Posted in SRC

Donna Womersley-Westlake A Beginner To Winner In Under A Year

The presentation of the Sidmouth Running Club’s Spring and Autumn Series took place on Saturday night at their Christmas party.  The challenges were set up to encourage members to participate in local running events wearing their Mighty Green shirts and awards were on offer for completing 3/4/5 of them.

The Spring Series comprised of the Clinic Maeer 10k, Ottery 10k, Otter Rail and River 10k and the Beer Blazer. Club chairman Terry Bewes, the only one to complete all 4 races, presented himself with his trophy before presenting Carol Hounsell, Sue Collman, Sarah Clapham and Alexa Baker with their awards for running 3 out of the 4.

Spring Series Winners 2022

The Autumn Series comprised of the Lions Trail 10k, Honiton Hippo, Bradleys 10k, Sidmouth 10k and The Westdown Wander. Sarah Clapham, Mark Norton, Stuart Moul , Christine and Karen Farnham, completed 3, Grahame Womersley-Westlake and Terry Bewes completed 4 of the races and Alexa Baker and Donna Womersley-Westlake ran all 5.  When presenting Donna with her shield Terry said how well deserved it was as Donna had only joined the club at the start of the year as a beginner. Donnas’ determination and dedication has seen her progress from run/walking 3 miles to running the 9 mile Westdown Wander in November and is now training for JP’s Exe to Axe, 22 miles of coastal footpath, in April!

Autumn Series Winners 2022

If you are inspired by Donna the beginners course starts on January 4th and costs £30 which includes club membership for the year. A warm and friendly welcome is guaranteed along with support and advice to help you achieve your goals and continue to progress throughout the year at your own pace.  Let Sidmouth Running Club help you catch the running bug, it can be addictive, honestly! Please visit the website www.sidmouthrunningclub.co.uk for more information.  You CAN do it!

Posted in SRC

SRC Go A-Wandering

Seventeen intrepid Mighty Greens took part in the inaugural Westdown Wander on Sunday, the final race in the Sidmouth Running Clubs’ Autumn challenge, grateful that the continuous rain had stopped.

The multi terrain 9 mile race, superbly organised by Exmouth Harriers, started on the sand opposite The Ocean in Exmouth which was an interesting experience and soon spread the field of 130 runners as they ran to Orcombe Point.  The route took you up past the Geo Needle, along the muddy and somewhat slippery SW coast path past the Westdown Beacon before heading inland through the East Devon golf course and back along footpaths, cycle paths and squelchy fields!

It had a feel of the Grizzly cub to it especially as at around mile 6 you could hear the bagpipes which were very encouraging as it was on a stretch of relentless cycle path and you couldn’t help but smile and even pick up your pace.

The Mighty Greens gather before the inaugural Westdown Wander

Ollie Goodchild-Horne was the first SRC over the finish line in 22nd place, 1:16:08, 3rd in his age category and Christine Farnham was also 3rd in her age category whilst David King and Terry Bewes were first in theirs.  The Mighty Greens are hopeful this challenging event will return next year.

Results:  Ollie Goodchild Horne 1:16:08; Grahame Womersley-Westlake 1:24:03; Mark Norton 1:24:57; David King 1:26:06; Don Cawthera 1:29:16; Christine Farnham 1:37:51; Stuart Moul 1:38:31; Karen Farnham 1:38:55; Bert Dykema1:38:59; Deb Cawthera 1:39:58; Sarah Clapham 1:46:26; David Wright 1:46:27; Kerry Salter 1:52:15; Helen Palmer 2:01:27; Alexa Baker 2:05:40; Donna Womersley-Westlake 2:17:20; Terry Bewes 2:17:23.

Posted in SRC