Wednesday: Sunset

The sun setting on the 6 mile group last night. A fitting image as last night was the last off-road training run of the year on a Wednesday evening. So it is back to the Sailing Club and the roads over winter. The last off-road Monday run of the year is next Monday over at Otterton.

A lovely evening and it was on the hill over at Ladrum Bay when the 6 milers were finally caught by the 6 plus group.

Sunday: River Otter

What a colourful bunch. “The Sunday Long Run Series”, Emma’s title and I liked it, got off to a good start and we were pleased to welcome Polly Walton and Charley Forrer to the group.

To start the series we had a six mile run from Newton Pop down the Otter and back. The photo was taken at the half way point 3 miles down the river but to my amazement all were adamant that as they were enjoying it so much we should carry on down to Otterton. What could I do but agree so we ended up doing 8 miles.

He who wields the pen or in this case the keyboard! You can all relax as Helen is leading an 8 mile run from Newton Pop next Sunday

Lustleigh 10k

The Lustleigh 10K

While most of us were enjoying the sunny bank holiday Monday lazing on the beach eating ice-cream or crashed out by the swimming pool three of our members headed off to Lustleigh.

The Lustleigh Fayre is a good old fashioned fete with a jazz band, dog racing, loads of stalls and of course a beer tent. It is held in the heart of Dartmoor and is well supported by visitors from far and wide. The 10k is a beautiful, but extremely hilly run over Dartmoor. There are literally no flat parts.

For Chris Robinson this was the 12th successive year that he has ran this event and by his own admission each year he gets slower but enjoys it more. In all the years he has ran it has only rained once and this year was the most glorious day of all.

Jayne Drew and David Wright were both first timers with David finding the first 4 miles hard going but enjoyed running back down into Lustleigh. Jane led the Club runners home in 53 minutes taking 3rd place in her age group followed by David in 65 minutes and Chris in 69.

Becky Robson was going to run it on her birthday but got stuck in an accident on Four Elms hill which left it too late for here to get there.

Jurassic Coast 10k

Report on the Jurassic Coast 10K

The question has to be asked, have SIDMOUTH Running Club found their new wily old fox following the departure of the formidable Brian Gosling through injury to cycling? Brian was a master at playing the game in competitive running and many Club members enjoyed their own battles with him in races, and those who dared to overtake him near the end then had to encounter Brian’s wife and strongest support Sheila for a right old ear bashing. They were excellent memorable times. But now Rob Edwards has steps forward to claim the crown. He was off for a month with an injury and then returned for a training run following which I received an e-mail saying he now had a heel problem and would be joining the ranks of the running injured on Wednesday taking on the two mile at a leisurely pace.

On Saturday I found out that he had taken part in the Jurassic Coast 10K knocking two and a half minutes off last years’ time. When I challenged him he said “It was not as bad as I thought”.Classic Brian.

The Jurassic Coast 10K starts in Budleigh Salterton and follows the scenic but hilly coastal path to Ladram Bay where it heads inland to pick up the river Otter and then follows the path alongside the river back to the start. The very strong South West Wind was most welcome in assisting the runners up the hills but the heavy showers which accompanied it was not so well liked. Rob finished 80th out of a field of 259 in a time of 50:30. Tim Clay had also entered but a back injury on the Wednesday night run put paid to that.

The Club has taken on an international feel over the last few weeks welcoming guest runners from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Holland, Ireland and not forgetting Sussex. The fame of the Mighty Green is spreading.

With August coming to an end we will be starting the Sunday Morning runs in September. These are open to all who want to increase their mileage in preparation for the coming autumn and winter race programme. See the Club website for details.