Marathon Strawberry

Naomi in her Strawberry costume in which she hopes to break the World Record time of 4.13 in the London Marathon. Holding the proof with her two certificates, Naomi has previously held the world record for running the marathon in a wedding dress in a time of 3:41, as well as the world record for running the marathon dressed as a doctor, in a time of 3:54.

4 Trigs Training

Sidmouth Running Club

Sunday saw the last of the Four Trigs training sessions before the big day on February 5th. Fifteen Sidmouth Running Club members and two dogs set off from the car park at Knowle to run the Beacon Hill Trig down and through Harpford woods, up Back Lane across Muttersmoor to the cliff and onward to the Trig at the top of High Peak, retracing their steps to the top of Peak Hill then back through the woods, across the golf course and back to the start.

Nine and a half miles in total with over 1500 feet of elevation gain. All three of the training runs have been in ideal conditions with no rain, conditions we hope for on the day.

On Saturday the Mighty Green will be at the Blackdown Beast starting from Dunkerswell.

Sunday 29th January is the coach to Colyton and run or walk back the East Devon Way, a 12 or 15 mile option. Spaces are still available, contact Terry.

Friday Group

East Devon Friday Running Group

The East Devon Friday Running Group was borne out of the very successful Friday Group led for many years by Brian Gosling who unfortunately has had to retire from running owing to injury; however this has given him more time to put to his other passion of chess.

The group is now led by John Chesters a member of SIDMOUTH Running Club who also has a well know reputation in the field of hashing along with his wife Ruth and son Ben, with all three being found at Orienteering events all over the country.

The group of runners who meet every Friday morning at 10am at various venues in East Devon run mostly off-road between 4 and 6 miles. The pace is moderate and all types of runners are welcome and no one gets left behind.

New members are always welcome and if you would like to join just turn up and introduce yourself and off you go to enjoy the delights of this beautiful valley and maybe enjoy a coffee at the finish. Details of the meeting venues can be found on their website:

Beginner’s Course

SIDMOUTH Running Club Beginners Course

What can only be described as an amazing induction into the Mighty Green army took place last week when we were overwhelmed by the numbers signing up to the beginners course. We had anticipated around 15 people but ended up with 34 signing up on the night with several more saying they couldn’t make the first week but would be there on the second. There was a wide range of age groups too, ranging from teenagers to a gentleman in his seventies.

The new recruits have taken their first and hardest step by turning up to start an eight week programme to not only improve their fitness and health but have some fun and enjoyment on the journey.

The bar has been set high for them by last year’s beginners who by July got to the top of High Peak and in December completed their first 10K competing in the Reindeer Run. But I can see they are all up for the challenge and our leaders are there to help and encourage them all the way.

First Chance 10k

The First Chance 10K

Last Sunday saw Justin Ashby one of the leading runners in SIDMOUTH running club head off to Exeter to compete in the First Chance 10K. The race organised by the South West Road Runners is very popular with 10K runners and sells out months before the start. This year there were 510 finishers. The reason it is so popular is that it is run over a two lap, pancake flat, traffic free course over tarmac cycle ways and roads in the Riverside Valley Park so it is an excellent way to achieve a personal best time over that distance.

Back in September 2016 competing in the Taunton 10K Justin, after a full 2 months of dedicated training finally broke 36 minutes for this distance, a time he had been trying to break since 2012 in a time of 35:30.

True to form this race produced not only a stunning new PB for him but also set him another challenge. Finishing in a time of 35:03 coming 8th overall and first in the M45-49 category he now has to get under 35 minutes. This can only be good news for the club members who have signed up for his 8 week 10k training course which will start in March.

SouthWest CC

SW Club & County CC Championship

On Sunday afternoon 1 senior and 2 junior SIDMOUTH running club members headed to the South West Club & County Cross Country Championships at Exeter Racecourse. The various courses all involved several laps of a largely flat course but with a punishing uphill finish. The weather was fine and the going was soft under foot.

First out of the blocks was Kate Marriott. Once again the very competitive Kate had an excellent race and was pleased with her 23rd position overall and even more pleased with her 4th in Devon placing as this earned her a Silver medal as part of the Devon U15 girls’ team.



Toby Garrick the other half of this dynamic duo had another excellent run and finished 19th overall and he too was placed 4th Devon runner in a team that took the U17 boys Silver medal.




Naomi Garrick gave a very spirited performance to finish 48th in the senior women’s event and deserved a medal, even if she didn’t get one!

Somerley 10k

The Somerley 10K

First out of the blocks in 2017 was Tim Clay who headed off to Ringwood to compete with several hundred others in the 15th anniversary running of the Somerley 10K. This trail run is in the grounds of the stunning Somerley estate and the fine weather showed it off in all its glory. Tim was well pleased with his time of 51:10 after all the festivities of the previous week.

Taunton Canal Run

The Bridgwater to Taunton Canal Run

A 6am alarm and 4 members of SIDMOUTH Running club Sarah Watkins, Jessica Raynor, Dave Wright and Terry Bewes drag themselves out of their beds; look out the window to a scene of fog and frost and wonder, back to bed or run? As members of the Mighty Green there was no hesitation, run it was. So, into the car, and up the M5 through thick fog and minus 2 degrees to Taunton to take part in the 16 mile Bridgwater to Taunton canal run. This run, not a race is organised by Taunton Running club the biggest independent running club in the UK with around 750 members.

Terry & Jess on the train

The event starts with a short train ride from Taunton to Bridgwater and Terry was well excited about this because he had not been on a train for years.

So the four off us and the 80 or so runners from 8 different clubs left it until the last minute to emerge from the waiting room to get on the platform to avoid the freezing conditions. Arriving at Bridgwater station it was then a short jog to the start at the canal basin.

This was to be a new experience for us as we can normally be found running the hills and coastal paths around here. This was a nearly flat 16 mile run along the tow path back to Taunton. The conditions had not improved as we set off, it was quite eerie in the fog and it soon further deteriorated freezing the water in Terry’s water pack.

Arriving at Maunsel Lock which is around half way the Taunton club had laid on food and hot drinks for all which were well received. Suitably refuelled and thawed out we set off only to be told that the police had shut the canal a mile further on in order to recover a body.

The canal in summer

Luckily with local knowledge and a mobile phone app a detour was sorted to take us around the closure. This came as some relief to us as it took us over more familiar terrain in the way of fields, lanes and paths. A couple of miles later we were back on the tow path and conditions had started to improve for the run to the finish.

Dave had a good run going ahead with local runners recording a time of 2:52:00. Sarah and Terry tried to keep up with Jessica who is 5 months pregnant and finished 20 minutes later.

To put this run into some context, over the 16 plus miles we recorded an elevation gain of 204 feet with the majority of that being gained on the diversion. The previous week we ran a 9 mile local route with an elevation gain of 1,453 feet. It is well worth doing this run if only to appreciate how lucky we are to have the diversity of terrain to run locally.

Boxing Day Run

Boxing Day Run

SIDMOUTH Running Club’s annual Boxing Day run was an outstanding success this year with a record number taking part. It was great to see returning members and past members who now study or work away. Another development this year was the number of members’ families and friends who took part.

The four mile route, far enough after the festivities of the previous day took us up through the Byes and through Margaret’s Meadow and onto Fortescue. The climb up Griggs Lane and Soldiers Hill was tackled with gusto as this was meant to be the only hill on the course.

Reaching the top and a run through the wood and across a field took us to the War memorial at Salcombe Regis. It was then during the route through the woods on the East side of Salcombe Hill that the front runners became disorientated and we found ourselves on the track at the bottom of the woods instead of at the top. However such was the enthusiasm of the group that the climb back up George’s hill was soon accomplished.

It was then on across the fields to the Frog stone and back down to the club having time to participate in a Dam Busters formation down Salcombe field and onto the beach in time for the Boxing Day swim.

The outstanding club runner had to be Danny Painter who ran over from Exmouth, joined in the club run, swam in the Boxing Day swim, had a pint in the club and then ran back to Exmouth.

Recruitment for the Mighty Green army beginner’s course on January 4th continues to attract new members and we also welcome runners of all abilities to come and join us. See website for details.

Christmas Party

The Christmas Social

The Christmas run followed by the clubs social was a great success with some 50 members and guests attending.

The various runs went off around the town and surrounding areas with many in fancy dress to view the lights up close or from afar as with the 6 mile group. The four mile group kept up the tradition of carol singing outside of Poddy’s house and this year we were in luck as he said he had only been home for 30 minutes, but it did take some banging on the window to get him to the front door. He asked me to pass on his best wishes to all at the club. A bit further down the road live friends of Terry’s wife Rita who are both in a choir together. We thought we should show them what a proper choir was and we were so successful that they gave us some money that was until I took my hat and beard off and they saw it was me and promptly took it back.

There was a fantastic array of food back at the club and the free raffle was adorned with prizes all donated by the members. Thank you all. The various group carol singing contest was judged by an independent panel of judges made up from one person from each group who all had one vote each to cast. It was no surprise that the result was a four-way tie with each member voting for their own group.

Thanks go to Naomi for organising and John Keast for running the bar

and to everyone who attended for making it a great success.