Jo’s Campaign

Any Mile is Better for Dementia Campaigner Jo

Sidmouth Running Club member and coach Jo Earlam has just completed an epic 10 half marathons in 4 weeks to raise money and awareness for dementia, with the vision that ‘Any Mile is Better’. The 130 mile route was completed in sections by former south west journalist Jo, supported by friends and family.

The challenge began with the Bristol Half Marathon on Sunday 17th September 2017 and ended with the Exeter Half Marathon on Sunday 15th October.In between the route covered a further eight half-marathon distances, also taking in the dementia fundraising Muddifords Cheese Run, on Sunday 8th October.

Jo, a 52-year-old former newspaper and BBC local radio journalist, has completed a variety of self-organised challenges for several different charities over the last 20 years. As a supporter of the Bristol based dementia research charity BRACE, she wanted to organise a special event to mark the charity’s 30th anniversary year – the original idea being to run from Swansea to Plymouth, taking in all the centres where BRACE funds research, covering a distance of around 260 miles, or 10 marathons.

Following the sudden death of her mum, Rosemary, in April, and the diagnosis of her husband John with cognitive impairment and early signs of dementia in June, Jo decide to modify her plans.

Jo said: “These life events had a significant impact on me and the type of challenge I can commit to. As a carer, I need to balance things I now do around John. Being away from home for an extended time would be difficult, also fitting in the extra training needed for a longer sustained physical challenge.

John’s has already suffered strokes and the prognosis of increased risk of developing vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s makes me determined to do something. My original idea was no longer feasible, but the reduced route distance and staggered time lapse of this challenge was achievable.

The concept that any mile is better than none was inspired by a walk I regularly do, of about a mile, with scenic views and points of interest. It’s always a boost to get out in the fresh air and countryside even for 15 or 20 minutes.

Physical activity plays an important part in helping to stave off dementia, which is one of my worries about my own health. The more we can do to raise money, awareness and stay healthy, the better chance there is of combatting this cruel disease.”

BRACE chief executive Mark Poarch said Jo’s a true inspiration to fundraisers across the region. “I’m always impressed by people who run to raise money for BRACE, but going from Bristol to Exeter is something else.The money Jo is raising will help fund leading edge research into the causes of dementia so we can move closer to developing effective treatments in the future.”

Read more about Jo’s experiences and make a donation at


Great West Run

The Mighty Green Conquers Exeter

One of Exeter’s biggest sporting events took place last weekend when the Great West Run returned. The annual half marathon, now in its 32nd year, saw 2500 participants race through the city’s streets for 13.1 miles cheered on by thousands of supporters.

Sidmouth Running Club fielded a near battalion with at least 15 runners in the ‘Mighty Green’ in Exeter last Sunday. Leading the way for the East Devon Club was experienced speed man Justin Ashby who turned in an impressive 32nd position overall before commenting, ‘oh man, that was hard work’. Justin was hotly pursued by Sidmouth runners Antony Hall and Julian Bartlett. Father and daughter duo Alan and Sasha Colwill turned in sub 2 hour times, as did the Queen of Stamina, Jo Earlam, in the final stage of her campaign to complete 10 half marathons in four weeks.

Jo and David

Whilst David Wright, Rocker Sheppard and Paul Wright narrowly missed the two hour mark, and were closely followed in by Sam Ingram and Kat Hall, secret training from Mike Lee delivered an excellent result in under 2 hours 10 minutes Amelia Frankpitt, was not far behind, going from strength to strength and the Green field was completed by good runs from John Sharples and Christie Ward

Eden Marathon

Polly at the Eden Project Marathon

In late April my dream of running a marathon came to an abrupt halt after spraining my ankle on the Cornish coast path. Frustrated, but determined, I lay on the sofa, elevating said ‘cankle’, and started looking into possible future marathons. The Eden Project Marathon, with its variety of terrain and spectacular scenery immediately stood out. Family and friends can visit for free on the day, which was also a massive bonus.

As I nervously waited for the race to start they announced that the route might have to be cut short because they couldn’t remove the cows from Helman Tor. I’m not a big fan of cows, but my first thought was whether I would have the energy to do an extra loop in order to complete the full 26.2 miles? That thought was interrupted by the starter’s gun, and I forgot all about it, too busy taking in the sights and watching my feet as I jumped over rocks and tree stumps in the woodland trails.

Shortly after the 4-mile marker we were back on the road, climbing the steep hill through the village of Luxulyan. I definitely would have walked this bit had it not been for the fact that my family had said they might try and spot me here. My legs were starting to burn just as I heard some very welcome voices shouting from the top of the hill. On a high, I ran up to grab some jelly babies from both my boys.

The course was pretty hilly, totalling 2782 feet of elevation gain, and at mile 5 we all seemed to slow to a gentle plod just as the leaders of the half-marathon, who set off 20 minutes later, started sprinting past us up the hill. Everyone was cheering and it really broke the ice. The runners all began chatting, and for a while I kind of forgot where I was, and could have just been out on a social run.

A few miles later, the 850 half-marathoners peeled off leaving 250 of us to plod on towards Helman Tor. As the Tor came into view I remembered the announcement at the start. I was relieved to see a steady stream of people walking up the hill, but couldn’t fail to notice all the cows. As I started to climb, two of them were very close, possibly wanting to cross our path. I was jogging cautiously and then suddenly one of them ran straight at me. I legged it… straight into a thorny bush. The cow turned & I just kept on moving. My heart was racing, my head was blurry, but before I knew it I was at the top of the Tor, having been totally distracted by the random bovine encounter. I took a moment to breathe some air and take in the stunning view before starting the precarious descent.

After a short stretch on the road the course became a bit grimmer. The weather on the day was pretty darn perfect for running, but recent wet weather had taken its toll on some of the trails and the mud became gloopier, before I found myself ankle deep in water. Trying to ignore how heavy my feet had become I was spurred on by the long downhill and the half-way point. The course is a figure of eight, so soon we were back on familiar ground and running through Luxulyan a second time. After seeing some photos of the flooding on the course the week before, I’d asked my husband to bring some dry shoes and socks in case mine got soaked. The marathon had started to do funny things to me by this point though and I no longer noticed how wet my feet were or that my legs were cut by thorns. I think I was in the zone! But it didn’t last long. Around mile 18 my energy was running out, I started feeling a bit light-headed and my legs suddenly felt like dead weights. It was time to have a walk and get some flapjack & energy drink inside. The next few miles were tough so I started doing some drills which we had been taught on Tim’s running course… head high, hips forward, arms back, elbows in, and pretending to clean dog mess off your shoes on the downhill sections. Focussing on my form distracted me from my aching limbs.

At mile 21, my husband & my mum appeared unexpectedly and it gave me just the boost I needed. My body hurt but I realised how close I was. I started getting my energy back and was enjoying the ever-changing landscape from the rolling hills to the clay pits on the Eden approach. As I started to descend towards the Biomes my legs started moving faster and faster and I felt so lucky to be doing this and to have this impressive backdrop at the finish. I crossed the line in 4:38:52, which I was chuffed to bits with. I passed on the family ice skating and went to grab my goody bag… a hot burrito (they’d run out of pasties) and a pint of ice cold Tribute ale.

This was a really well organised event, supported by a fantastic bunch of marshals. I’m not sure what I expected, but it was an awesome day and an incredible first marathon experience.

Muddiford Cheese

Cheesy Smiles All Round for Sidmouth Runners

A sunny day on 8th October was the setting for the Muddiford Cheese Run, a scenic 5 mile run from Burlescombe Village along the Grand Western Canal to Muddifords Court Country House near Cullompton.  Sidmouth Running Club were once again out in force participating in an event that was raising funds for the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance and was supported by Wyke Farms and other local business.

Sidmouth, busy socialising before the start, found themselves as a group at the back of the pack and initially found it difficult to make headway along the narrow canal tow path. The group spread out as they dodged past other runners and sped up as they all enjoyed the absence of hills.

Caroline Ball, representing Sidmouth said ‘It is the first ever Muddiford Cheese Race and was really well supported by walkers and runners. We all enjoyed it, as it was unusually flat for us’.

Nine runners in all completed the run for Sidmouth, led in by Jane Hemsworth and Jo Earlam in 43 minutes, followed by David Millen, Christine Farnham, Karen Farnham, Caroline Ball and Sue Cunningham. The Club’s youngest wearer of the `Mighty Green’ turned in a magnificent performance. Mollie Phillips aged just 5, supported by mum Laura, completed her first ever event covering the course in an amazing time of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Runners were rewarded with live music and cheese toasties in the sunshine, and were very pleased with the well organised run and family entertainments.