City to Sea 2018

City To Sea Marathon 2018

On Saturday the 1st September Jo Earlam completed the City To Sea Marathon. This brings Jo’s total to 59 completed marathons and was the third time competing in this very tough competition.

This 26.6 mile marathon is deceptive in that the first section from the start line in Exwick to  Cockwood and Dawlish Warren is a flat trek along the River Exe, Exeter Canal and Exe Estuary. During section two between Cockwood and Shaldon the hills start to kick in, softening up the legs for the real work to come later. Stage three and leaving Sheldon behind is where the hard work really starts, with a steep climb up a monster hill above Ness Cove, Smugglers Cove and Labrador Bay. The undulating coastal path doesn’t let up with the pain inducing hills, as it follows the coastal route all the way to Babbacombe Downs.


Jo found section three really tough, especially the steps which are very steep and seem to go on for ever! However, she had kept something in the tank for the last six miles and with determination and grit, she still managed to pass by a lot of other runners, whilst not allowing others to pass her. Then, during the last two hundred yards just before the finish line, one runner trotted past her as if he was just starting the race! He encouraged her to sprint for the line with him. It turned out that whilst she had just completed the marathon and was on the floor, he had finished the ultra and seemed ready to go again.


Jo finished with a very good time of 5h:57m:14s, coming 90th. This was not as fast as the previous year but better than 2016. Her well earned reward for the long and arduous race was Fish and chips at Hanbury’s Fish Restaurant

Member 200

Kat Gets Membership Number Two Hundred

Kat and Terry

This Bank holiday Monday evening saw an historic moment in the club when the Chairman, Terry Bewes welcomed our 200th fully paid up member of the year. This came around after several weeks of an anticipated landmark point for Sidmouth Running Club. Kat Hall, who has been running alone for a while and had been put off from joining a club, out of fear of being left behind. Her husband Antony a club member and marathon runner kept telling her how the club supported runners off all ages and abilities. He encouraged her to give it a try and on Monday evening she did. Meeting at Joney’s Cross she joined in with seventeen other members for a 5 mile run over Alyesbere Common led by John and Ben Chesters.

After the evening run, she said that she had really enjoyed it, had received a warm welcome from all and was now looking forward to running regularly with the club. She thanked all present for the flowers and wine presented to her to mark the occasion.

The Sidmouth Running club is a friendly club, has an inclusive outlook giving encouragement and support to all no matter what the running ability of the individual. Terry offers an open invitation to all those who will be running the streets of Sidmouth during the winter months, whether they run alone or with others. Why not come along and try a couple of evening runs with the club on either a Monday or Wednesday 7pm from the sailing club from Monday 17th September.

Posted in SRC


The Bridport 10k and Half Marathon

Six members of the Sidmouth Running Club attended the Bridport 10k and Half Marathon. Four took part in the 10k and two took on the challenge of the Half Marathon.

Both races started with the famous ‘Broadchurch’ cliff at West Bay in the background, and headed up to the second highest hill on the South Coast of England, a full 157m to the top of Thorncombe Beacon, (the half marathon runners then head down to Seatown) back through Downhouse Farm, Eype to West Bay. The 10 k is one loop and the half-marathon is two loops.

In the 10k race the first Sidmouth Runner across the finish line, was Deb Marriott in 46th place over all with a time of 01:11:22. She also got a 1st in age category. Next with the same time was Don Cawthera in 47th place, followed not long after coming in at 58th Helen Palmer with a time of 01:15:49. In 61st place was Jennifer Bentley 01:16:18.

The two ladies in competing in the Half Marathon teamed up together and braved out the wet and windy weather. Jo found it impossible to keep her hat on with the wind bowing it off several times. Also with the rain her glasses couldn’t be kept dry enough to see through!

Officially Jo Earlam was the first Sidmouth Runner across the finish line however, the times for both Jo Earlam and Jane Hemsworth are same at 02:53:43.