
The Bridport 10k and Half Marathon

Six members of the Sidmouth Running Club attended the Bridport 10k and Half Marathon. Four took part in the 10k and two took on the challenge of the Half Marathon.

Both races started with the famous ‘Broadchurch’ cliff at West Bay in the background, and headed up to the second highest hill on the South Coast of England, a full 157m to the top of Thorncombe Beacon, (the half marathon runners then head down to Seatown) back through Downhouse Farm, Eype to West Bay. The 10 k is one loop and the half-marathon is two loops.

In the 10k race the first Sidmouth Runner across the finish line, was Deb Marriott in 46th place over all with a time of 01:11:22. She also got a 1st in age category. Next with the same time was Don Cawthera in 47th place, followed not long after coming in at 58th Helen Palmer with a time of 01:15:49. In 61st place was Jennifer Bentley 01:16:18.

The two ladies in competing in the Half Marathon teamed up together and braved out the wet and windy weather. Jo found it impossible to keep her hat on with the wind bowing it off several times. Also with the rain her glasses couldn’t be kept dry enough to see through!

Officially Jo Earlam was the first Sidmouth Runner across the finish line however, the times for both Jo Earlam and Jane Hemsworth are same at 02:53:43.

Straight 8

The Straight 8 Race

On Saturday the 4th of August at 5pm, Antony and Kat Hall lined up with 160 other runners, to represent the Mighty Greens at the start of the Greenbow Running Club’s Straight 8 race.

The race got underway in the blazing late afternoon sunshine from The Strand at Starcross, along the cycle routes and foot paths along the Exe Estuary and Exeter Canal, all the way to the quay in Exeter. Although it is a dead flat course, the weather certainly made it a very tough race.

Right from the start the pace was very quick, with the leading group setting out at sub 6 minute miles, so Antony settled into a chasing group behind the frontrunners.

After a few miles this group started to break up, the pace and heat of the day starting to take affect. However, Antony who has had some hot weather race experience this year managed to keep his pace going. Finally crossing the line hot and exhausted in a fantastic time of 52:48 and finishing in a high 5th place overall.


Kat took a more steady pace in the main field, and managed the heat of the day in a more sensible fashion, finishing in a commendable time of 1:18:27, with a well earned mid position of 89th overall and looked in much better shape than Antony!



A great race on a really nice flat route, making it a perfect distance for those looking to take the next step up from a 10k. They are both planning to compete in next year’s Straight 8, hopefully taking some more Mighty Greens along with them.

Park Runs A-Z

Alphabet Park Runs

Running in the local park is something that has been done for decades, but the new fun and easy going thing to do now is Park Run. Many SRC members have taken up this short and sociable running activity on Saturday mornings. You just obtain your barcode from the website and turn up at a venue. With a choice of hundreds of Park Runs around the U.K. to participate in, just scan your card and run.

In January 2016, David Skinner took part in his first Park Run at the age of 68. He has now completed his 73rd. More would have been completed had it not been for the odd injury.

He is now collecting venues in a quest to form as many letters of the alphabet as possible. So far he has bagged A,B,C,D,E,F,H, and K for Killerton which is David’s home Park Run. Also completed are N,O,P,S,T,W. and on the 4th of August, David ran at the Montacute Park Run and“Y” for Yeovil was added to the collected list, with a modest time of 31:41. There is a long journey to Scotland is on the cards right up to Inverness to get the “I” and one nearer to home with Minehead for the ‘’M” in his sights.