New Run Leader Paul

Vice Chair Sarah Watkins (left) and Head Coach Tim Mitchell (right) welcome Paul Mitchell (centre) to his new role as Run Leader.

Paul Mitchell is the latest SRC member to have completed the Run Leader training course. Having been a member of the club for 14 years, and recently taken early retirement, he is now able to make this commitment. The training session was held in Plymouth led by representatives from UK Athletics. The training course permits the attendees to gain a license from UK Athletics which provides insurance for run leaders. The session covered running techniques for new runners up to high performance runners. The club sponsors this course to ensure that it has sufficient leaders in order to facilitate around five different run sessions each week from beginner to experienced runner.

Posted in SRC

Reindeer 10k

Reindeer run 2018

The 15th edition of The Reindeer Run took place on Saturday 1st of December 2018. This annual festive event raises funds for Otterton C of E School. There are two events, a fun run of 3k and a race of 10k, both start and finish in the village of Otterton. They are multi-terrain, rural courses, that use lanes, paths, tracks and farmland in and around the lower Otter Valley. Being held on the 1st of December, entrants are encouraged to come dressed in festive attire.

This year, due to the last week’s rainfall, the level of the River Otter is very high. This meant that the route under the road bridge was chest high in water, so for safety reasons the route had to be changed. Just after the start, the 10K was re-routed towards Ladram Bay and the Coastal Path back to the sewage works. Then through the lane to meet up with the old route across the muddy fields, up some slippery hills before the road, back to the white Bridge and up the River to the finish line.

In the 10K race were, Tim Mitchell who was the first Sidmouth runner back coming 13th overall in a time of 47m:28s. Then Sam Ingram, who had a very loyal fan base in the form of his family cheering him on his way to a fast 33rd place in 54m:23s. In 38th was Catherine Hilton in 55m:28s with Simon Hollyer 49th in 57m:47s. Sue Collman and her four legged running partner arrived in 51st position 58m:07s, with Chris Day-Kerry not quite a minute later in 59m:06s in 58th place. Twins Christine and Karen Farnham enjoyed themselves with Christine taking a last minute victory over Karen, CF 68th in 1h:00m:33s and KF 69th in 1h:00m:39s. Next came Rocker Shepard 71st in 1h:01m:09s, then David Wright in 83rd with a time of 1h:02m:38s and Sarah Clapham 86th in 1h:03m:17s.

Next in in order of appearance were three helpers of Santa, Jane Hemsworth being the fastest helper in 91st place with a speedy 1h:04m:08s, Helen Palmer not so far behind in 112th with a nippy 1h:10m:43s and Jo Earlam arrived in a steady time of 1h:10m:58s, 113th.
Jodie Hawkins endured the hills, got to grips with the mud and slipped over the line in 1h:14m:03s. Debbie Marriot (Mrs Claus) 144th, Monica Read 145th and Don Cawthera (Mr Claus) 146th, all crossed the line together in good festive spirits with a seasonal time of 1h:17m:24s. Julia hadrell 167th in 1h:24m:26s with Helen Neighbour 169th in 1h:26m:21s and Sue Cunningham 170th place in 1h:26m:23s As there was not an official last runner on the day, Terry Bewes very kindly offered to sweep up at the back, shepherding the tail enders and giving words of encouragement all the way back to the finish. He claimed the 182nd spot and got around in 1h:45m:57s. Due to a cold Emma Grainger DNS.

In the 3K Fun Run Tom Clapham was the 1st Sidmouth runner over the line coming 25th in 18m:15s. Zak Raynor in 25m:19s, closely followed by two young ladies showing great teamwork, Rose Ashby in 28m:26s and Kara Salter in 28m:27s. Then arriving in 30m:57s was Meena Agar followed by Sarah Watkins and Paul Williamson who both arrived in 33m exactly. There were 133finishers.

Bicton Blister

A Massive Turn Out Of Mighty Green Runners At The Bicton Blister (60 photos)

A very large contingent of the Sidmouth Running Club turned out for The Bicton Blister and Blister Lite. There were forty nine members in total. A fantastic sight, seeing that mass of Mighty Green poised to take on the challenge of the month over Woodbury Common.

The Bicton Blister is organised by Exmouth Harriers Amateur Athletic Club. It starts at the very civilised time of 11am from The Bicton College. Heading out along a mile of country lanes, then up to the Woodbury Common, an area of outstanding natural beauty and rear pebble bed heathland. It mostly follows around the edge of the common and is an uphill run to the halfway point. This does of course mean that it is mostly a downhill run home. There are wide tracks with ruts and big pebbles, woodlands with narrow paths, a few damp areas and a stream to cross. It is a tough race to compete in, but very satisfying to complete.

First female runner and first Sidmouth runner home was the unstoppable Kirsteen Welch. She felt it was lonely up at the front, so digging in very deep, she caught up and joined forces with three lads. She ran with them for most of the race as they were all keeping a very steady/fast pace. Only at the end did all four runners go for the extreme fast sprint mode. She came 17th over all in a very fast time of 1h:08m:36s. Kirsteen recored a her last mile at at incredible 5:46 minutes. Richard Summerhayes was only a minute and a half behind in 25th position and a time of 1h:10m:04s. Richard was the 1st Sidmouth male and 2nd Male V50 over the line. Jessica Raynor did well with a time of 1h:11m:34s crossing the line in 34th over all, 2nd Sidmouth lady and 2nd in age group. A steady stream of Mighty Greens now start to appear at the finish line with Jim Forrer in 73rd place, 1h:18m:10s, David Chipping 90th place in 1h:21m:05s, Nigel Maeer 107th in 1h:23:01s and rossing the line in 136th place was John Keast with a time of 1h:25m:48s.

Martin Trueman grabbed 148th place in 1h:27m:03s, just 2 seconds ahead of Colin I’Anson  in 149th position 1h:27m:05s. Not much behind, was Sam Ingram. He is already in preparation for the London Marathon next year. He felt pleased with this performance, especially as near the end he was suffering from cramp. He was quicker time than last year and is now looking forward to next years Blister and to beating this years timing of 1h:28m:32s and position of 164th. In 177th place was Catherine Hilton with a time of 1h:29m:49s and a 2nd female V45 place.

This was the first time Kyle Baker has competed in the Blister and the first time he has taken on this distance competitively. He has been suffering knee issues and felt he had not trained enough. However, after the first few miles his pace quickened and he just dug in for the duration. He achieved a 201st place over all, in a time of 1h:32m:39s, beating Chris Day-Kerry by just six seconds. Chris Day-Kerry came 202nd in 1h:32m:45s having enjoyed the race, even though he didn’t quite catch Kyle. Simon Hollyer, Rachel Nice and Rob Edwards spent the race within each others sight only sorting themselves out with a last minute dash for the line. Simon came out on top with a 222nd position and a time of 1h:35m:06, then in 226th was Rachel with a time of 1h:35m:13s. Then Rob, who last competed in the Blister in 2015, was not far behind in 227th in 1h:35m:39s.

Sarah Clapham arrived on the line in 236th place in 1h:36m:01s, just ahead of Graham Sheppard and Richard King, who both made a last minute dash for supremacy. Graham crossed the line ahead by a whisker, giving him 241st place in 1h:36m:56s and Richard 242nd in 1h:36m:59s. Then in 1h:38m:39s came a satisfied Tim Swarbrick with Steve Saunders 1h:39m:26 and Sue Cole 1h:39m33s also battling out the last few yards, Steve got 257th place and Sue the 259th.

Don Cawthera, Deb Marriott and Christine Farnham kept each other going, enjoying the scenery, the company and the weather. All three respectively arriving in 275th, 276th and 278th places. Jo Earlam came in 312th place running a 1h:48m04s race knowing that the Sunday papers could be read later, with Carine Silver 323rd and Sarah Watkins 326th not far behind. Then Cathy Kelly 1h:51m:40s in 337th place with John Doherty 1h:52m55s getting a well earned 343rd position. This was the first time Els Laureys entered the Blister and she was determined to complete it within two hours. Deciding to take it at a steady pace of 11 minute miles all the way up to the water stop at Warren carpark she was close to her target, so with a down hill journey back to the finish her target time was looking good. There were some holdups with bottle necks of runners through the woodlands on the narrow twisting pathways, but Els battled on and managed to beat her target coming 345th in 1h:53m:15s. Terry Bewes who had been running with and encouraging Els followed in shortly after taking 346th place in 1h:53m:34s. Two more Sidmouth runners made it back before the two hour mark, Jenifer Bentley 364th in 1h:55m:40s and Amelia Frankpitt 376th in 1h:57m:02.

The Three Chatty Ladies who came in literally just after the two hour point having enjoyed the fresh air were, Kathy Keast in 385th place, Helen Palmer in 386th place and Monica Read in 387th. Following on from them were Christie Ward with running partner and Dad John Sharples. Both were spurred on by Terry Bewes and the enthusiastic sound of the bagpipes. Christie was pleased to have completed this tough run in 2h:01m:42s giving her the 393rd spot and John came 394th in 2h:02m:55s.

Meanwhile the Blister Lite runners were finding the run a challenge and great fun, with what suspiciously looked like sociable groups being formed. The Lite runners set off with the Blister’s but take a short cut across the common. It is still a formidable route. Kate Marriott was the first Sidmouth Lite over the line with a good time of 39m:34s and 12th place over all, with Sarah Ginsberg taking the 24th position in 45m:46s. The next four runners were all MG’s with Paula Farrand leading, followed in quick succession by Michael Ginsberg, Jane Hemsworth and Karen Farnham. Paula took 26th place in 46m:01s, Michael 27th in 46m:15s, with Jane 28th in 46m:25 and Karen 29th in 46m:27s. Usually Bert Dykema keeps up with running buddy Paula until the last half mile and then takes the turning to the carpark, rather than the finish line. However, today Bert ran straight to the line and grabbed the 40th place in a brilliant 50m:42s timing. Seven minutes later our last three Lite runners cheerfully arrived back with Julia Haddrell claiming 70th place in 57m:16s. Then David Skinner in 71st place, felt that due to the lack of training, his time this year was not as good as the previous. He still got back in a fast 57m:27s, which at least is under the hour. Emma Grainger was suffering a cold, so did very well getting around before the hour was up, just squeezing in over the line in 59m:11s to obtain the 77th place.

With the number of SRC members running in this event, there must have been very few points at the end, on the finish line, that a Mighty Green runner was not in view.

Chairman, Terry Bewes was full of praise for all the 49 Mighty Green runners who took part, along with many other club members who gave support on the day.  It was a record breaking number of entries into a single event. Also, he expressed his opinion of the great club spirit, with runners encouraging each other before, during and after the race. Cheering them over the finish line whether they ran as an individual for a time or in pairs or groups, with just the aim of enjoying the run and finishing. He also said to come away with the first lady prize and all the other awards was the icing on the cake. A great day for Sidmouth Running Club.[/vc_column_text]


Drogo 10

Drogo 10
Taking on The Drogo 10 is a big challenge for the best of us, but you get rewarded with a route through beautiful woodlands and fantastic views reaching across the Teign Valley. After the long driveway out from the castle there are many steep climbs and descents, lots of narrow footpaths, a wall to climb and a bridge to cross.
Five Mighty Greens did themselves and Sidmouth Running Club proud on Sunday the 18th of November. Kirsteen Welch, Philip Welsford, Simon Hollyer, Sarah Watkins and Arthur Vince were the fabulous five. There would have been a magnificent seven MG’s, but I’m not quite fit enough yet and became a DNS statistic as did Susie Perry! 
Kirsteen took part in this event despite not feeling quite up to par and suffering a cold. She also knew that she would be competing against the UK middle distance running champion and last years winner Mary Menon. However, in a true Kirsteen competitive spirit, she gave it her best to see how near she could finish to Menon.  She decided to attack from the start knowing that there are many points along the route that form bottlenecks of runners. This decision was a wise one, as throughout the race Kirsteen was able to keep Mary Menon firmly in her sights. In the last three miles Kirsteen started to gain a lot of ground on her, never letting up on the chase and almost succeeding. Crossing the line just thirteen seconds after Mary Menon, Kirsteen Welch was the first MG and 2nd lady across the line, 17th position over all, in a time of 1h:11m:49s.
Philip Welsford managed a storming 1h:32m:37s, coming in at 161st followed by Simon Hollyer in 252nd place and a time of 1h:41m:58s. Sarah Watkins just squeezed in before the 2 hour mark with a 369th place and a 1h:57m:30s timing. I have to give a massive well done to Arthur Vince who is a Vet 70+. He claimed the 484th position over all, in a time of 2h:56m, he deserves a huge round of applause and a lot of respect for completing it.

Exeter Mo 10k

David Does The Exeter Mo 10k

If you were wondering why David Skinner was not at a Park Run today you will be glad to know that he did a 10k race in Exeter instead. He ran in the Exeter Mo 10k and in the process helped raise funds with MoRunning which proudly supports The Movember Foundation. The November Foundation is the only charity tackling men’s health. Raising awareness of illnesses from testicular and prostate cancer to mental illness and suicide prevention. The charity operates all around the world in an enormous effort to improve men’s health. David did the route in 1:03:30 crossing the line in 144th place.

Leader Chris

Chris Leads The Way

Chris Day-Kerry recently passed the one day leadership course giving Sidmouth Running Club it’s newest run leader. He was welcomed to his new role by Head Coach Tim Mitchell and took his first group out on Wednesday evening last week. He chose an almost three mile jog in a sort of figure of eight fairly flat route. With lots of positive feed back from his group, the rest of us will be looking forward to being put though our paces by Chris in the future.

Posted in SRC

Sunday Training

Sunday Training Sessions

There were three training groups on Sunday. Terry Bewes took the the two social 6 and 9 milers while Tim Mitchell led the 9 mile express group, Justin and Richard, so if you blinked, they were gone!

The 9 milers met at Newton Poppleford and ran upstream to Tipton St John where they met up with Julia Hadrell and Jo Earlam (who were the 6 mile group). All the groups carried on up along the river to Ottery St Mary, through the town and across Sidmouth Rd. Then they all crossed fields and went along the lanes all the way to Fire Beacon Lane. At this point the 6 milers headed back down to Tipton St John and the 9 mile group carried on until reaching the donkey field, they headed down through the field into Harpford woods back to Newton Pop. Joining in were two guest runners from North Devon, Vicky and Nick, standing on the right side in the photo. Vicky, having recently run a staggering 120 miles in under 24 hours spent the whole 9 miles deep in conversation with Debbie Marriott while Don Cawthera looked after the dog.

Park Run Roundup

Autumn Park Run Round Up

   Steve Saunders enjoyed the decent weather with 150 other runners in Cornwall on the 29th of September by running the Park Run at the Eden Project. Starting at the top car park and running down towards the biomes was great on the way down, but then it’s a run back up to the top to complete the first of 3 circuits.  Fine if you like hill training!! Steve found this oddly enjoyable and finished in 24m:42s despite setting off a bit too fast to begin with.

Helen Palmer tried out Killerton on the 13th of October for her first ever Park Run and enjoyed a leisurely tour around the country grounds taking in the country air and not worrying about a PB.

David Skinner continued his quest in his Alphabet Park Run collection, by completing Minehead in the wet, windy and generally unpleasant conditions giving him the ‘M’. Then on the 20th of October David collected an ‘L’ at Longrun Meadow in Taunton, or is it now pronounced Launton? Do we allow this one? Okey, so we do which means this gives him six more to get on the UK mainland with ‘J’ to be Jersey at some point. He is still scratching his head for X and Z!

Meanwhile, Christie Ward and her farther John Sharples went to the Seaton Park Run where Christie managed a PB time of 28m:10s with John a second behind.

Julia Haddrell tried the Exmouth Park Run in beautiful sunshine and achieved a 30m:27s timing. She was happy with that timing, but Julia felt that far too much time was spent avoiding cow-pats at the Killerton Park Run on the 27th of October, that it was very cold, it all seemed uphill and no PB! Well Julia, it was cold and the cow-pats were frozen!

Lastly, I am very happy to inform you all that the speedy Kirsteen Welch has been smashing Park Run times with a cracking Exmouth18m:29s!

Posted in SRC

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning On The Common

Last Sunday’s training route took an enthusiastic group of 16 Sidmouth runners and two very keen dogs on a trek over Woodbury common. This particular session was in preparation for the Bicton Blister race, which takes place on Sunday the 25th of November. They met about a mile away from Bicton College and headed out onto the common, keeping as close to the Blister route as memory served. For the first mile Terry Bewes led the group on to the beautiful pebble-bed common in the warm Autumn sunshine. The group made their way over to Warren Car Park where there will be a water stop on the day. Then edged around the common, through some woodland and back to where they had started. A very useful morning out, checking and acclimatising to eight of the miles that the race takes on the day. With precision timing they even got back in time to observe a minutes silence, in respect to those that fell for our country.