Deep River Trail

Terry Arrives Early In The Deep River Trail
  Early in the morning on Saturday the 23rd of March, SRC Chair Terry Bewes, set off to run the 10k Deep River Trail Race in Fingle Woods, near Castle Drogo. 
  On arrival, at the registration, there was no sign of any other runner. So, thinking he had missed the start, he made enquiries. This confirmed that he was in fact one and a half hours early! Luckily the café was open at Castle Drogo so he had enough time for a coffee and breakfast. 
  The race is one of a series organised by Pure Trail Running. It roughly follows the route of the Drogo 10k, from the top of the hill down to the river, across the iron bridge and down to Fingle Bridge. The route then sends you back up the other side of the river to the Iron Bridge, then up the hill the same way you came down to the finish. It is a very stony run under foot with many rocks waiting to trip you. The race information sheet advises, that on the way back up the river there are a couple of technical sections, they were not joking! In one there was a steep rise and a scramble over rocks. This led the runners to believe that they had at least started the accent to the finish, but no! Once at the top of the climb, it then dropped steeply down to the river. There was a total of 784 feet of elevation gain which was basically the final climb from the river to the finish.
It was a very well organised event with 141 finishers in the 10k and 152 in the Half Marathon. Terry came 107th in 1h14m18s and came second in his age group.


Weston Super Mare Half Marathon
  On Sunday the 24th of March. Cheryl Boulton took part in the Weston-Super-Mare half marathon. 
  At 10:15 the Weston Super Half Marathoners set off from Marine Parade outside the entrance to The Grand Pier. They passed the sights of Weston-super-Mare and on into the surrounding picturesque Somerset villages and countryside. It was a single lap, closed to traffic road running fast event.Cheryl, who had been suffering with Achilles tendinitis since the end of February, was anxious about how she would get around the course. Having taken advice, rested it up and kept it iced, she found her pace, a fast 9:48 min/mile average. The weather conditions were perfect with blue skies and sunshine. Cheryl even managed a bit of a tan to her shoulders and neck. With a great atmosphere she also met up with some running buddies fro her previous club.
She was pleased to have achieved a time of 02h10m59s, crossing the unique finish line, which is a quarter of a mile out to sea on Weston’s Grand Pier, in 932nd out of 1577 finishers.

Bath 1/2M

Bath Half Marathon
   The Bath Half Marathon is a flat course, which straddles both sides of the River Avon and avoids all the hills that surround the City. It is a two-lap course with proven PB criteria and is traffic-free with full road closures throughout the route. The race starts and finishes at the same point in Great Pulteney Street, a roadway that spans 100 feet across making it one of the widest Georgian boulevards in Europe. The route then takes the runners through the heart of this historic city, with the first mile going gently downhill along Pulteney Road to Churchill Bridge. The competitors then go over Churchill Bridge, gently rising up past Green Park Station, around Queen Square where there were a lot of spectators cheering on the runners. Then down Charlotte Street and out along the Upper Bristol Road, gently undulating along Newbridge Road, and on up to the ‘New Bridge’ at the beginning of the dual carriageway. From the Twerton Fork the race heads back towards the City centre with a pancake flat stretch along Lower Bristol Road. The runners then crossed over Churchill Bridge and up Green Park again for the beginning of the second lap. At the end of the second lap the runners pass across Churchill Bridge, finally rising gently back up Pulteney Road all the way to the finish in Great Pulteney Street.
   Two Mighty Green Ladies took part, Zsa Zsa Croft and Catherine Cruise. There was a huge turn out of runners and both Zsa Zsa and Catherine felt frustrated at the start line as it took ages for everyone to get moving. However, they both enjoyed the atmosphere of the event and did well with a good time of 2h15m34s. They thank everyone, friends, fellow club members who encouraged and supported them and especially the Improvers group/leaders. 

Parkrun #100

A Tale Of One Hundred Park Runs
   A massive well done and round of applause for David Skinner, who on Saturday the 16th of March, returned to his local and favourite venue Killerton Park to do a landmark Parkrun. He turned up suitably attired in SRC colours with some extras for good measure and completed his 100th Parkrun. 
   Also on Saturday, the Mighty Green Parkrun Group met at The Quay for the Exeter Riverside event. Chris Day-Kerry was not running as he has an injury, but turned out to help marshal along the course and a six month pregnant Jess Daer ran the course.
Results: Jack Saunders 21m33s, Greg Ward 23m53s, Rob Edwards 23m55s, Sarah Clapham 25m39s, Karen Farnham 26m27s, Christine Farnham 26m28s, John Sharples 26m29s, Jessica Daer 34m51s.

AGM 2019

Chair’s report to the 16th AGM 05/03/2019

For the period January to December 2018

2018 saw the club grow ever stronger ending the year with 204 paid up members, a record for the club. This success we can relate back to the decision we took at the AGM last year to focus solely on our core strength RUNNING.

We started the year with 32 beginners coached by Helen Palmer and Colin Flood and 24 Improvers coached by Tim Mitchell. Our core group of runners in the 3 and 4/5 mile groups continued to turn out in force and enjoy themselves and that is the ethos of the club, enjoy. Tim’s technical sessions and Ben and Justin’s interval training were well attended by members of varying abilities, so suitable for all. The 6 mile groups had their own devotees who like a harder workout. John and Ben Chesters lead the Monday off road runs and their knowledge of the area meant we never ran the same route twice. The Zebra I saw on Woodbury Common I found out later after watching the news was in fact a horse with a Zebra striped coat over it to keep off the flies.

None of this would have been possible without the time and dedication of our

Coaches and Run Leaders who not only lead runs but also give their time in attending the various courses. The more the club grows the greater the call will be on them. We are always looking for new leaders from members who run regularly with the club so if you are interested in committing to attending a one day course and leading one run a month then please let me know.

My committee have grown in confidence to meet the needs of the growing club, expanding their individual roles to cope with the additional workload.

Secretary Jo Earlam was always on the ball keeping us up to date on rule changes that affect us and taking the minutes of our meetings. Treasurer Tim Clay kept our accounts up to date. Head Coach Tim Mitchell organised courses, run locations, leaders and run diary. Kerry Boyle started her journey to become our Junior Leader. Web-Ed Rob Edwards, inputting our data and sorting out the problems that arose with the system. We purchased an add-on which enables us to block IP addresses by country, and we got several hundred every week. Els Laureys assistant Web Editor taking on more of the inputting onto the website which is much appreciated. Press Officer Hamish Spence kept the club’s profile high with his press releases which are so important to keep the club in the public domain. But, and it’s a big BUT, he needs your help to keep it going. So again I remind you that it’s so important whenever you run whether in a race or training run take photos and make sure you send a few bullet points to him. Don’t forget those Mighty Green Holiday snaps either. He is an excellent scribe but needs the basis of a story. Debbie Marriott Cup Custodian came up with the concept of the Mighty Green Ambassador Awards and did such an excellent job on producing the Role Description document.

Exe to Axe race director Paul Mitchell with the organising help of Rob Edwards ran an extremely challenging event very professionally, having much favourable feedback from those that entered. To all the members who helped out on the day thank you, as without your help this race wouldn’t take place and it’s so important to the club as it is the only event we organise and our only source of external income. The profit it makes allows us to keep the subs low and put on the free events that we do throughout the year.

Charlotte Forrer our reportable accident recorder thankfully kept a clean sheet and came up with the idea of the East Devon Spring which she will be organising. Naomi Garrick Social Secretary organising our social side.

Jane Hemsworth controls our club kit in a most professional manner.

Thanks to Kyle Baker for the time he gives to the club with his amazing photography and producing all the various certificates.

I’d like to extend a vote of thanks to Debbie Marriott who is standing down from the committee but will still be co-ordinating the Mighty Green Awards: Paul Mitchell who is standing down as Race Director of JP’s Exe to Axe but is staying on the committee and Monica Read who stood down as Press Officer.

I welcomed Sarah Watkins as Vice Chair and David Lee as race director for the JP’s Exe to Axe

The Mighty Green on Holiday and Racing Challenge will continue through 2019. Keep sending in the photographs because as you’ll see later there are prizes to be won at the end of the year.

In June we hosted the Woodland Relays and what a phenomenally successful event that turned out to be. Expecting 30 teams of three we ended up with 62, and with their supporters we had over 200 at the Scout Field. It was a fantastic club effort with many members involved either running or helping out. What pleased me most was the number of members who used their initiative in sorting out problems as they arose. When I meet members of other clubs that were there they never fail to mention the quality and number of cakes made by our members and the efficiency of the catering crew.

Moving forward to 2019, what a great start with a record number of Beginners and sponsorship of a Mighty Green shirt from Nikki and Richard King of Kings Garden Centres for all those that complete the 3 mile test run, thank you so much for such a generous gesture.

We look forward to the Junior section starting in June being led by Kerry and Claire Ashby. A priority will be investigating a better way of communicating with our members.

As I mentioned before, Sarah Watkins came forward as Vice Chair and during this year I’ll be starting the process of handing over the reins to her. For those of you that don’t know Sarah you soon will as during our meeting she was described as a female version of me, so no problem there. Things will have to change though as she will not have the time that I have, so it’s up to you members to help and get involved in some way. We need to appoint a membership secretary and cup custodian for a start.

Alexa Baker has come forward to becoming a Run Leader.

Cheryl Boulton and Chris Day Kerry have become involved by arranging team photos at Parkruns, John Doherty by peeling potatoes! and remember all this counts towards your ambassador’s award.

And finally, to sum up I would like to thank you all for supporting your club and would encourage you to enter some races wearing that Mighty Green shirt that you should be proud to wear, you worked so hard for it.

For the majority of us it’s not about winning but taking part and supporting your club as well as getting your photo in the paper.

Terry Bewes


6th March 2019

Posted in SRC

Haldon Forest

David Skinner at Haldon Hill
David Skinner tried a different parkrun today, an undulating route in Haldon Forest. He passed through the finish in 136/168 in 34m36s. He said “You get lulled into a false sense of security by the gentle start and then the narrow steep climb hits you! On the second lap you think, oh good we don’t do that climb this time round, only to be met with a different steep climb! This was David’s 99th parkrun. Will he do his 100th next week?



Toby Garrick Competes In The British Inter-Counties Cross Country Championships
Toby Garrick competed at the British Inter-Counties Cross Country Championships in Loughborough on Saturday the 9th of March. It was a very windy day and on a very open course. Toby had to leave by 6am, so it wasn’t just physical fatigue that he had to fight! But, with determination he managed an average of 5.45 minute miles over a 9km route that had thick mud and hills. He came 58th in a very tough field of runners and was the first Devon runner by over 70 places. He was running as an U20, so was nearly the youngest in his category.


The Grizzly 2019

The Grizzly 2019. Trails Of The Unexpected.

Organised by Axe Valley Runners, this year’s version of the Grizzly (2019) was given the title of The Trails Of The Unexpected. This is a tough 19 (ish) mile, cross country all terrain race with hills, mud and 2 bogs. There are streams and sea water to wade through, pebble beaches to run along and the killer Stairway To Heaven to climb. With over 3000 ft of elevation gain to get around the course, it is not for the faint hearted.

So, on the blowy but sunny Sunday the morning of March the 10th, there were 44 Mighty Greens amongst the 2000 plus runners. All of which were very excited and dead keen to get going.  All were waiting behind the start line, with hundreds of spectators looking on. The loud chatter came to a sudden stop when the Seaton Town Crier loudly rang his bell to address all in attendance. He gave encouragement to all participants raising their spirits with some light hearted banter. He also announced that this would be his last Grizzly duty… and so The Trails Of The Unexpected began.

In the Full Grizzly was Jessica Raynor, who was doing very well until around the 16th mile when bad cramp set in! She tried walking, but this made it worse! However, not wishing to stop, she gritted her teeth and continued at a slower running pace for the last push home. Back from injury was Antony Hall with an average 9.30min/mile pace, he got around in very good time having felt encouraged by the race Marshals and spectators. Danny Painter took off from the start and never held back. He even managed a PB from Branscombe Mouth all the way up The 168ft of Stairway To Heaven in13m54s. Sue Coleman survived the icy stumble through the Bog and retained her composure and an average pace of 11.19min/miles over the whole route with a superbly fast 7.31mi/mile sprint over the finish line. She ran with Charlotte Forrer, Jim Forrer and non MG Andy Rosewarm. Knocking around 13 minutes from his last time at the Grizzly was Ross Walton. Ross did a 10 mile training session the day before this race as he is preparing for a ‘back to back’ long run weekend in the East Devon Round. Martin Trueman puts his successful Grizzly run down to his pre-race prep…a banana and Latte at Le Pisani, while soaking up the warm morning sunshine. I think it’s more likely that what got him through his run was the re-fuelling of Jelly Babies and Beer sampling for pain-relief. Either way i think he had it sussed. He also thanks the fantastic Marshall that found his phone and took the time and effort to reunite him with it at the finish line. This was Sam Ingram’s first Grizzly run and he was using it as a training run in preparation for the forthcoming London Marathon. He took it easy and really enjoyed the camaraderie amongst both competitors and Marshals. Naomi Garrick having checked the days weather report, made a wise decision on her attire, opting for proper running kit instead of the fancy dress option. This was by far the toughest run to date for Els Laureys who said she loved the atmosphere created by runners, marshals at the spectators. She also enjoyed the scenery, the flapjacks and the well stocked Jelly Baby watering stations. Sarah Watkins ran with Terry Bewes for the first half saying that “she was making sure he didn’t do himself in, as she was not quite ready to take over as Chairperson”! However, at the halfway point Sarah took off and left Terry in the capable care of Helen Palmer. As it turned out, it was Terry who did the saving of the day. When the pair were running through the second bog, Helen got her foot stuck in a tree root. She then got severe cramp in her calf while in the ice cold water and was only stopped from falling head first into the bog by the Mighty Green King Terry.

In the Cub, was Ben Chesters who had decided to limit himself to this race due to oncoming orienteering events, set out to run at a constant effort pace. He stopped once at the memorial to remember lost family and friends. His effort pace worked very well for him as he took first place over the line. Colin L’Anson was impressed by the news being given to him by the Marshals who kept him informed of who was in the lead, even their encouragement to run fast and catch him up was helpful.  Steve and his son Jack Saunders ran most of the way together. Steve was very pleased to have knocked 10 minutes from his previous time. This was the second Cub for Kat Hall and although she found the Stairway To Heaven tougher this time, she also managed to make better time than the previous attempt by 20 minutes.

RESULTS: Full Grizzly.

Mark Souter 1st MG in 107th in 2h57m09s, Antony Hall 148th in 3h01m30, Jessica Raynor 177th in 3h08m24s, Danny Painter 203rd in 3h12m10s, David Chipping 255th in 3h18m29s, Nick Dicks 430th in 3h32m10s, Nicola Dowsing 510th in 3h40m09s, Sue Coleman 513th in 3h40m15s, .Jessica Trim 569th in 3h44m43s, Sophie Trim 570th in 3h44m45s, John Keast 578th in 3h45m27s, Mark Welland 583rd in 3h45m50s, Charlotte Forrer 590th and Jim Forrer 591st both in 3h46m06s, Martin Trueman 600th in 3h46m46s, Simon Stokes 628th in 3h48m35s, Greg Ward 659th in 3h50m58s, Sam Ingram 672nd in 3h52m09s, Claire Ashby 818th in 4h03m12s, Simon Hollyer 860th in 4h06m41s, Naomi Garrick 861st in 4h06m41s, Kaylee Hawkins 1009th and Lynda Hawkins 1010th both in 4h20m28s, Graham Sheppard 1235th in 4h41m41s, Els Laureys 1267th in 4h45m05s, Sarah Watkins 1332nd in 4h51m15s, Terry Bewes 1505th in 5h23m06s, Helen Palmer 1506th in 5h23m07s, John Sharples 1565th in 5h37m53s. Out of 1589 Runners. Out of 1605 Runners.


Overall Winner Ben Chesters and first SRC in 1h10m20s, Colin L’Anson 54th in 1h30m18s, Jack Saunders 62nd in 1h31m47s, Steve Saunders 182nd in 1h47m57s, Renata Mihalik 183rd