Exmouth Park run

It was almost wall to wall personal bests for the SRC members doing the group Parkrun in a blustery Exmouth.  Sarah Clapham did her 15th and grabbed a PB in 25m27s.  A PB for Christine Farnham who sped her way around in 25m49s, whilst sister Karen Farnham was more leisurely in her approach with a 26m07s time. Juliet Powell also gained a PB in 29m52s along along with a PB for Christie Ward who raced around in 29m57s. John Sharples is the Man Of The Match and becomes a Centurion Park Runner having completed his 100th Parkrun in 29m58s. Julia Haddrell and her K9 did it in 30m44s and has now completed her 70th Parkrun. Lesley Miszewska finished in 33m41s and Sarah Powell in at 36m45s. First timer Donna Welsh ran with David Welsh in 37m22s who cheerfully swept up the MG group. Suzi Rocky took 27m.22 to complete Seaton’s pebble track.

The First Sidmouth Running Club Juniors Group Gets Underway.

The first session for the Juniors got started on Sunday the 9th of June on the playing fields of the Sidmouth College.
Leaders of the Juniors, Kerry Boyle and Claire Ashby, will being showing the FUNdementals of athletics to the group of 23 youngster during the course. With mixed abilities and ages ranging from 8 to 12 years, the group has 11 girls and 12 boys.
During the warm up, the group looked into good running technique, included standing tall, arms driving and lifting the knees. The groups were then split into the 10-12 year olds with Claire and the 8-10 year olds with Kerry.
Kerry took her group to do some physical preparation which included learning how to do squats and balancing. With balancing the younger group played the Dice Game and Mirroring a partner. After the warm up they then moved into the main session which comprised of a running, throwing and jumping unit. With running they were learning how to run over obstacles, with the younger group establishing which leg they preferred to lead and also getting a feel of a good stride pattern between each hurdle whilst still retaining that tall posture. Next they moved on to the pull throw, which is the technique used in throwing the javelin, but we started with an overhead throw of a football, then bean bags and finally onto howlers. The last part (a group favourite), was jumping for distance in the sand pit. Initially they practiced doing a 2 legged standing jump, learning to use the arms to swing up, moving on to the one legged jump deciding on which was their stronger jumping leg and driving the other knee up, and finally jumping in the sand pit to see how far they could jump.
Claire’s group of 10 -12 year olds were a determined bunch and all worked very hard on the skills being focused on. They learned about finding which side of the body is more dominant and which foot is the easiest to balance on. This illustrated how balance and coordination are two of the essential skills for good running. They then practised hurdling, throwing and jumping.
Everyone had a great time and had a go at the activities and gave some great feed back. The children received an activity card, which they will hopefully all complete over the next 5 weeks.

Running In Memory Of A Life-Long Friend.

John Sharples ran in his 99th Parkrun at Seaton on Saturday the 8th of June. Instead of wearing the SRC Mighty Green tee-shirt, he put on his Middleton vest and ran in memory of his life-long friend and running partner, Fred Doyle. John and Fred were best friends from the age of, 4 were born 1 day apart and ran together in many races until Fred became ill and passed away.

Kirsteen Takes Another First at Oke Croak Fell Race

Kirsteen Welch took on the Oke Croak Fell Race on Saturday the 8th of June. This race takes the competitors over and through open moorland with no foot paths to guide the runners, it was boggy and difficult underfoot with a lot of climbing/clambering over boulders to reach the top of the Tor’s. It is also a self navigating race with around 2000ft of ascent climbing including Oke Tor, East Mill Tor and Yes Tor with a fast downhill run for the finish. Kirsteen thoroughly enjoyed competing in this event, although navigation would have been an issue had she not managed to keep pace with two other lads. Having done the race on previous occasions they knew the way and with Kirsteen’s speed the three of them powered their way over the moorlands to the finish line. Kirsteen’s time was 1h28m36s, she was the 1st lady over the line and 6th over all.

Burrator 10k

Kirsteen Welsh

at the Burrator 10k road race.

LIRF course

Charlotte and Alexa at Exeter University attending the LIRF course met up with club member Catherine Hilton who was attending an orienteering course.

Posted in SRC