Land’s End to John o’Groats

Mighty Green Derek Clocks Up 1407k

Two weeks ahead of the target he set himself, Derek Blackburn completed the Virtual 2021 Lands End to John O’Groats challenge with an 11.32km run along the North Devon coast path.


The Mighty Green started on January 1st and has been logging all his runs and walks to notch up the 1407k required to complete this amazing achievement.

Posted in SRC

Lundy Island 1/2M

Dolphins And Puffins (Medals) Make A Hot Half Marathon Worthwhile

Further afield on Sunday Tom Knight, Debbie and Don Cawthera ran the Lundy Island half marathon. Deb said, “It was the hottest, slowest half marathon I have ever done!”. Debbie and Don completed it in 3:25:15.

Don and Debbie

Meanwhile Tom put in a good run in the 30 deg heat, coming in 3rd place in 2:10:52!

Tom at Lundy 1/2M

The Mighty Greens saw dolphins on the way back and received a lovely Puffin medal which made the event very memorable.

Exe Estuary Races

What A Way To Celebrate Being 50!

Also on Saturday 10th July representing Sidmouth Running Club in the Exe Estuary 50k, Marathon, Half Marathon-Summer were Allan Kay, Adrian ‘Gripper’ Horne, Niall Hawkins and Sarah Ginsberg.

The race organised by Winding Paths starts in Budleigh Salterton, continues along the SW coast path to Exmouth (where those running the half marathon turn around), and along the Exe Estuary Trail to Topsham (the return point for the 50k).


Half marathon runners, Niall and Sarah, both agreed that the return along Exmouth seafront was tough but despite mud, rain, sun and hitting a wall (not literally) at mile 8, Niall had an incredible run taking second place in 1:53:53 and Sarah, who had her granddaughter Olive cheering her on, finished in 2:14:54, fourteenth place in a field of 84 runners.


Mighty Green Adrian finally achieved his goal to run 50k in his fiftieth year, and the race postponement due to Covid meant he got to run it with his son, Ollie and MG Allan.

Ollie, Allan, Adrian

Despite the wet start, the trio enjoyed the picturesque route and were encouraged along the way by family and friends. They finished together, rather fittingly, in joint 50th place in 6:57:08.


A special mention must go to former SRC member, Jess Raynor, who was 1st woman home, 6th overall in 4:50:12. Congratulations to you all.

Otter Rail and River

­Field of (Mighty) Green

Sidmouth Running Club members were out in force on Saturday competing in the Otter Rail and River 10k event. The multi terrain race is organised by Tipton St John Playing Field Association and is gently undulating, following the valley of the River Otter and along the disused railway line in Harpford Woods using short road links, un-surfaced tracks/paths, fields with stiles, kissing gates and this year lots of MUD!

Luckily Sidmouth club runners have been advised by Chairman Terry Bewes not to dilly dally on the outside edges of the mud but to plough straight through and as Bex McDonald said, “It was great Grizzly training!”

There was an air of excitement as the Mighty Greens gathered for a group photo before the start; for many it was their first event in club colours and it was the first race in a long time that 45 MG’s lined up at the start.

Toby & Catherine

Mighty Green Toby Garrick had a fantastic run through the challenging conditions and came in 1st overall out of a field of 216 finishers in 36 minutes and was first in his age category. MG’s Antony Hall came in 9th place in 42:14 with Tom Knight not far behind in 42:57. Mighty Green Catherine Hilton had a great run, not only was she first local lady home but also first in her age category in 52:51.


Seconds behind Catherine was Charlotte Forrer who has recently successfully competed in her first triathlon, the Weymouth Middle Distance Triathlon organised by Bustinskin Events. Charlotte is also an England Athletic Run Together group leader with mums from Sidbury school; two of which ran the Otter Rail and River.

Group finish at Tipton

For the club runners further down the field it was very encouraging to hear the cheering as the finishers crossed the line and to see the number of Mighty Greens who had stayed on to do so in true club spirit.

Sidmouth Running Club would like to thank race director Gemma Wiltshire and her team for the very well organised event, the very friendly supportive marshals and the two cow marshals (they had skills!). There were smiles all round as the runners left with their finisher’s bottle of Otter Brewery bitter despite having very wet, muddy trainers.


Toby Garrick 36:00

Antony Hall 42:14

Tom Knight 42:57

Catherine Hilton 52:51

Charlotte Forrer 53:37

Yasmin Salter 53:44

Tim Swarbrick 54:54

Susan Anderson 55:25

John Sharples 56:32

Clive Gilbert 57:22

Mark Norton 57:47

Naomi Garrick 59:03

Christine Farnham 59:04

Becky McDonald 60:33

Sue Colman 61:01

Suzi Rockey 63:48

Derek Blackburn 63:54

Judith Jeeves 64:47

Helen Akay 64:51

Brigid McEleney-Smith 65:05

Sarah Clapham 65:34

Jane Stein 66.51

Denise Main 67:01

Kathy Jordan 68:17

Katie Harris 68:46

David Wright 69:35

John Doherty 69:57

Sam Ingram 70.19

Lucy Ingram 70:20

Jasmine Reeves 70:36

Colin Flood 70:51

Sarah Burston 71:23

Leeann Thompson 72:30

Amelia Frankpitt 72:55

Jo Earlam 79:22

Emma Grainger 81:33

Sarah Watkins 83:35

Carol McManus 83:36

Beccy Johnson 83:37

Liz Goodman 83:37

Alexa Baker 83:38

Jenny Benattar 84:58

Alison Long 85.20

Ann Cole 86:40

Rachel Austin-Rigby 87:02

Julia Haddrell 94:28

Terry Bewes 94:28

Record breaking weekend

A Record Breaking Running Weekend For Sidmouth Running Club

On Saturday two SRC members headed up to Petworth in Hampshire to compete in The Salomon Serpent Trail organised by Freedom Racing.

Hannah at Serpentine 1/2M

Hannah Maslen ran the half marathon and after a mental tricky start the Mighty Green pulled herself through to get herself a half marathon PB of 2:28:48.

Kirsteen at Serpentine 50k

Following on from her success in the Exeter half marathon last week, Kirsteen Welch competed in the 50k Ultra race as part of the Golden Trail Series. This Mighty Green was the first woman over the line, 9th overall and smashed the woman’s course record and the previous men’s course record! It was the first time in this race that a lady has finished in under 4 hours, which Kirsteen did in 3:56:44 knocking nearly 40 minutes off the old record!

Closer to home on Sunday a small posse of Mighty Greens took part in LME’s Balmy Bicton 10k.

Suzi at Balmy Bicton

For Suzi Rockey it was a last minute decision having entered the race the night before and she was very happy to see the finish line completing the course in 57:20.

David art Balmy Bicton

David Welsh completed the course in 1:05:35 coming 3rd in his age category and Jamie Locke was very happy with his result especially considering there were a few challenging hills.

Jamie at Balmy Bicton

He came 23rd out of a field of 79 runners, 5th male in age category with a time of 50:42.

Niall at Balmy Bicton

Mighty Green, Niall Hawkins, had a fantastic run, crossing the finish line in 42:00, giving him a well-deserved 3rd place overall and 2nd in age category.

Kirsteen wins in the Mighty Green

Sidmouth Running Club are delighted that Kirsteen Welsh is back flying the Mighty Green flag and what a return!

Last weekend Kirsteen raced in the Run Exe 5k, her first 5k race since running an Exmouth parkrun back in October 2018 and achieved a big PB of 16.59 minutes! Kirsteen said, “There is definitely more in me to go quicker with targeted speed work and more racing to increase my pain threshold to keep pushing the pace even when it starts to hurt.”


This Sunday saw Kirsteen and new Mighty Green Jamie Locke race in the Exeter Half Marathon organised by City Community Trust.


Jamie enjoyed the traffic free, flat route along the footpath and cycle track of the River Exe and Exeter canal, dodging the rain drops and was very pleased with his result, coming in 132 out of 275 runners in 1:50:37. Kirsteen, despite the weather conditions and twisty route, was the first woman to cross the finish line in 77:24 wearing the Mighty Green colours. A fantastic result reflecting the dedication of her training, well done Kirsteen.


Travelling further afield, David Skinner had an early start on Saturday to get to Sibleyback lake in Cornwall for the Gecko gathering 5k which started at 8am. David said’ “I haven’t been there before but it was a very nice lake to run (in my case still very slowly) around with a decent cafe. I only do it for the bling!”

Juniors Runaway Success

Runaway Success For Sidmouth Running Club Juniors

Sidmouth Running Club juniors proudly received their certificates from group leader Charlotte Forrer, having completed their 8 week Funetics course on Wednesday.

Designed by England Athletics, Funetics, is a fun kids programme for 4-11 year olds to reflect the requirements of the National Curriculum key stage 1 and 2. The aim is to help children to learn, develop and practice running, jumping and throwing skills all year round for a healthy confident future.

Chairman Terry Bewes, would be the first to say the children are the future of the club; not only is their future looking bright, it is looking Mighty Green!

SRC Juniors

Sidmouth Running Club currently offers Funetics for 8-11 year olds, meeting on Wednesdays 5.45-6.45pm at St Johns School.

Run leader Charlotte said, “We have had a great turn out with the 8+ group, with attendance filling out capacity at 24. Signing up for the autumn term in September is essential.”

For further details please visit the Sidmouth Running Club website.


A sizzling 1/2M

A Sizzling Half Marathon PB For Gripper

Sidmouth Running Club run leader, Adrian ‘Gripper’ Horne ventured off to Dorset on Sunday to take part in the Weymouth Half Marathon organised by Just Racing.

Running in the heat

It was third time lucky for the race, having been previously postponed twice from September 2020, but with a staggered start and guidelines in place Gripper was able to enjoy the run.

Cooling down

The popular seaside half provides runners with some outstanding scenery on a pretty flat 1 lap13.1 mile course, which Gripper appreciated. The Mighty Green said despite the intense heat it shows how running on the Sidmouth hills pays dividends as he managed to take 6 minutes off his half marathon PB and finished in 02:02:30 hours!

What an achievement in those scorching conditions: no wonder he headed straight for a paddle in the sea!

Phew what a scorcher

105 miles in 24 hours – Ross’s weekend

First Hand Insight Of The Warrior Chimps Conquer24 Ultra Running Race by Ross Walton

The Warrior Chimps Conquer24 ultra-running race held at Powderham Castle on 5th & 6th June is an event where competitors complete as many laps as possible of a roughly 5-mile course within 24 hours. The race can be run solo or as a member of a relay team of up to 8 people, starting at midday on Saturday and finishing at midday on Sunday.

I’ve run 50km and 100km ultra-marathons before but nothing which involves running constantly for so long or through the night without sleep. I had a target of 100 miles in mind during my 15 weeks of training, which started in February. My race went pretty much to plan apart from being a bit too optimistic about how much food I would be able to stomach. I managed to clock up 60 miles (12 laps) by midnight using a 3 laps running/1 lap walking strategy which took the pressure off for the second half and allowed me to ease off considerably during the night and through Sunday morning. I hit a ‘wall’ at about 30 miles though, partly due to trying to eat too much early on and partly due to the daunting prospect of not being even a third of the way towards my target distance. Thankfully, the nausea passed after a couple of slower laps and allowed me to get a bit more food down, albeit significantly less than the 9000+ calories I burnt overall.

Ross with his medal

The course was fairly undulating with about 130m of ascent per lap. I found the 2-mile section through the woods in the first half of the lap the toughest as it contained most of the short, steep climbs and seemed much hotter, humid and void of oxygen than out in the breeze of the Powderham deer park. I’ve never run non-stop through the night before, but a misspent youth and a couple of cans of Red Bull and iced coffee very much helped in that respect. Temperatures didn’t drop much overnight so, apart from a couple of laps during the graveyard shift, I was running in just a t-shirt for most of the race. Luckily, the rain held off, save for a very slight bit of drizzle, otherwise the course conditions would’ve quickly deteriorated due to the constant army of feet gradually churning it up. The sky starting to lighten at about 3:30am, and the sun finally making a reappearance at about 5am on Sunday morning seemed to inject a new level of optimism into most of the runners still out on the course, myself included.

I had absolutely no idea that I was in the running for a podium place until I checked my phone during a quick food stop between laps and saw a string of text messages from family and friends watching the live tracker. It wasn’t until the last few laps, when a couple of guys ahead of me started to struggle, that the prospect of finishing 3rd overall looked doable. I managed to complete 21 laps (plus an extra mile with my eldest son Reuben) to reach a total of 104.8 miles, equivalent to 4 marathons, in a time of 23hrs 36mins 34secs, also beating my previous personal bests for 50km by about 8 minutes and 100km by over 3 hours. I finished second in the solo men’s category to a professional ultra-runner who clocked up an astounding 24 laps.

My feet are a mess with blood blisters under three of my toe-nails, a swollen left ankle and a comedic inability to negotiate stairs – a small price to pay for an achievement I’m very much proud of but doubt I will endure again any time soon, if ever. It was great to regularly see my younger brother Guy, fellow SRC runners Naomi Garrick, Jo Earlam and Jane Hemsworth out on the course and also to have my heavily-pregnant wife, Polly, our two boys, Pixel our cocker spaniel and a number of close friends supporting me throughout the weekend.


Conquer 24

The Mighty Greens Conquer24

Midday on a hot and humid Saturday in the beautiful grounds of Powderham Castle saw five members of Sidmouth Running Club at the start line of an epic challenge and two of those were preparing to run for 24 hours!

Start Group

Suzi Rockey competed in the 5 mile (1 lap) category coming in 5th place in a field of 20 with a very respectable time of 45:34 minutes.

Suzi and Naomi

Jo Earlam completed her 78th marathon by opting to run 6 laps of the Conquer24 course, which actually made it an ultra-marathon. Jo was joined by fellow Mighty Green Jane Hemsworth for her final 4 laps. Jane had already participated in a sea swimming course in the morning and jokingly said she should have cycled to Powderham Castle to make it a triathlon! They both enjoyed the scenic if somewhat undulating (2,500ft of climb!) course.

Naomi, Jane + Jo

Duane Morris had set himself a target of running 50 miles, double the distance of his furthest run to date, and he achieved it running 10 laps in 21:18:51 hours. Duane said he learnt a lot during the run, it was a steep learning curve and he felt things he has never felt before but this did not stop him enjoying the experience and he is very glad he took on and completed the challenge.


Not only was social secretary Naomi Garrick the top fundraiser of the event, raising £1,516 for Rethink Mental Illness, she was delighted to be the 6th lady out of 36 to complete the 24 hour challenge running an amazing 65 miles. Teacher Naomi had set up the smile tree her pupils had made for her along the route and she was still smiling right to the end despite the blisters! Fellow running club member Richard King joined Naomi at 4am to compete in the 10 mile dawn dash bringing with him fresh supplies of plasters and cake! Naomi said she met so many fantastic people and running through the woods at night was magical, a really amazing experience.

Richard + Ross

Ross Walton signed up for the solo Conquer24 race after closely following a Devon friend’s progress in the Tarawera 100 mile ultra in New Zealand in February. The MG had been training hard over the past 15 months, running a total of 550 miles including two 70 mile weeks! Ross had planned to run 60 miles between midday and midnight split into 3 x 20 miles, running 3 laps and walking 1 to take on food and drink then hobble/crawl the last 40 miles between midnight and midday on Sunday. The training and planning certainly paid off as Ross finished in 2nd place, running an incredible 100 miles in 22:09:00 hours and 4 x marathons in 23:37:00 hours. Ross is temporarily hanging up his trail shoes to become a dad for the third time much to the relief of his feet!