Sidmouth Running Club’s Character Building Club Outing

When SRC’s Becky (Bex) McDonald approached chairman Terry Bewes about organising a club outing to Haytor to run The Templer Way having previously experienced and enjoyed the ‘downhill’ route the weather wasn’t an issue.  But it was no mean feat to organise as a low tide was crucial and the trip, which was put out to all club members, had been postponed once. Was it knowing this that pulling out was not an option despite a yellow weather warning or that Mighty Greens aren’t made of sugar as said by vice chair, Sarah Watkins?  Either way, 18 club runners, some like Kerry Salter, way out of their comfort zone, boarded the coach at Teignmouth, having driven through heavy rain and flooded roads to get there.  There was hysterical laughter when press officer Alexa Baker asked how everyone was feeling as the coach driver dropped them off in disbelief into thick fog and rain, Haytor nowhere to be seen.

Haytor is there somewhere!

Wisely Bex suggested the runners kept together to pick up The Templer way, a scenic and historic waymarked route linking Dartmoor and the South coast of Devon.  With Richard King keeping everyone’s spirits up by repeatedly saying ‘it’s not cold though’, it wasn’t long before the distinctive granite rails were visible.  It was great teamwork between Adrian Harris, Mark Andow and Bex for safely navigating everyone from the coach to the start requiring exemplary navigation skills and knowledge of Dartmoor in such poor visibility.

Running through very poor visibility on Dartmoor

At this point the larger group naturally split into 3 based on pace; the faster group had the advantage of Bex’s knowledge and GPX technology were soon out of sight, the second group realising their map reading skills left a lot to be desired teamed up with Clare Luke, Donna and Grahame Womersley-Westlake who also had the technology. The group still managed to doubt themselves mainly because the markers were few and far between especially on the road section which they doubled back on! On the outskirts of Bovey Tracey, Clive thought about diverting to the House of Marbles as he felt he had lost his a few miles earlier while luckily for the second group Kathy Jordan had remembered reading about going past the House of Marbles which put them back on the right track having followed Grahame’s GPX through some nearby woods. A quick chat to a local put them back on the right (cycle) track where the groups split again.

Following the granite tram lines

On reaching Newton Abbott, Yasmin Salter picked up her prearranged dry lift home whilst the other members of her group ploughed on.

You don’t go over THAT bridge!

For the second group it was where it all went disastrously wrong, having asked for directions when they couldn’t see a way marker anywhere, they ended up the wrong side of the wrong river having run around the edge of Newton Abbot racecourse!  There was no time to be disheartened, the only option was to retrace their steps. A quick call to Richard in the advance party (they were already in Shaldon having waded through several flooded areas) put them back on the right track.

Richard testing the depth of the flood water

There are two hours within low tide to access the Teign Estuary shoreline, which is uneven and very slippery after heavy rain, never mind during it but this didn’t stop the advance party running on it. Although at least one member in each group slipped and fell on this stretch whether they were running or walking it. It felt monotonous at times having to skirt the edges to avoid the sinking mud but the rain had finally stopped and the sight of Grahame’s coat ahead in the distance lifted the misguided groups spirits as did the sight of the Shaldon/Teignmouth road bridge.

The Estuary path

Respect to Becky Knapman, Amanda Stokes, Stuart Moul, Louise Dalton, Clive, Mark, Adrian, Richard and Bex for running beyond the bridge to the official end of the trail despite the ferry not running.

Teignmouth in sight

The other runners were content to get back to the car park especially Clare who had not run for 7 weeks and the group that ended up running 20 miles.  It turned out to be a great London marathon training session for Kathy, who doubled the distance of her previous longest run, had to dig deep to keep going especially when retracing her steps and kept on running through the atrocious weather!

Pleased to have found a sign!

To round off the day some of the earlier runners got changed and enjoyed a late lunch while Naomi Garrick entertained her group as she tried to prevent a flock of seagulls eating her well deserved ice cream before heading back to Sidmouth through the floods.  A Mighty Green thank you to Bex and Terry for organising this memorable outing. Clive now feels that SRC members should be issued with care(less) instructions that read “Mighty Greens may still run even if immersed in water at 20 degrees”!

Smiling all the way!


Posted in SRC

SRC’s Claudia Barry Smashes Fundraising 100k Challenge Despite 33 Degree Heat!

When Claudia Barry chose to run the 100k Thames Path Ultra Challenge in September to fundraise for The National Brain Appeal she hadn’t anticipated it would be the hottest day of the year!

In fact, 331 runners withdrew from the race which shows how determined Claudia was to finish and how her support team played an important part in keeping her cool and hydrated during the 19 hours 54 minutes she was running.

Some of Claudia’s’ support team

Starting from Putney, the ultra, which is just shy of 2.5 continuous marathons, follows the Thames Path to Henley where a jubilant Claudia crossed the finish line at 3.30am, 56th woman out of 251 and 245th out of a field of 609 overall.

A Jubilant Claudia

The Mighty Green, who first joined the club when she was 17, is very grateful to her support crew and support runners who ran with her from 29k including SRC’s Richard King and his friend Rick Bollenger who followed her the whole way with food, first aid and ice packs which were essential to keep her cool.

For Claudia losing a couple of toenails and dealing with some horrendous blisters was well worth the £5,000+ she has raised for a charity close to her heart.  Huge congratulations Claudia!

Posted in SRC

The Mighty Green Shirt Puts Sidmouth On The Map

Sidmouth Running Club’s Liz Wright and Jim Hudson completed the 9 Edge Challenge on the hottest day of the year in the Peak District!  The couple thoroughly enjoyed the stunning scenery and there was only one answer for Jim when someone said it was a long trip from Sidmouth to take part and that was why not!

Liz Wright On The 9 Edge Challenge

Further afield Adrian ‘Gripper’ Horne took the opportunity to wear his Mighty Green shirt whilst travelling through Switzerland to Italy. Gripper decided to do some high, high altitude training up in the Alps!

Gripper wearing the MG in the Alps

Closer to home a few club members including two juniors, Jack (wearing the new Junior SRC t-shirt)and Amelia, took part in the Sidbury Fun Run. Although according to Emma Grainger it wasn’t much fun as it was very hot, very hilly with much walking!  Despite this Emma, along with the others, enjoyed the views and the finishers pottery bowl made it all worthwhile.

Some of the MG’s at Sidbury Fun Run

Over 20 children were welcomed back to the Junior club night on Wednesday following the Summer break.  Both age groups 8-11 and 11+ took part in circuit training on the sports field at St Johns School where the new agility ladder provided entertainment.

The Juniors have started back after the summer

The 8-11 year olds will be enjoying sessions on endurance, jumping, throwing and sprinting with group games, warm ups and cool downs over the next few weeks and the 11+ group will be out running, improving techniques, developing stamina and having fun too.  Please contact Junior Coach Kerry through the website for further information.

Posted in SRC

Mighty Greens Compete Despite Hills and Heat

It was an early start for Sidmouth Running Club members Jo Earlam, Jane Hemsworth, Grahame and Donna Womersley-Westlake on Sunday as they headed towards Exeter Quay to take part in Winding Paths’ City to Sea marathon.

Jane and Jo pleased to have the hills behind them

Jo, running for the first time in her 100 marathon club shirt and Jane, running marathon 42, have experience of this event and knew the last 6 miles were going to be tough but even Jo thought at one point that they might not meet the 10 hour cut off time mainly due to the heat but also the demanding stretch of coast path to Babbacombe Downs.  But the Mighty Greens dug deep and even overtook some younger ladies who had run out of steam and crossed the finish line in 7:15:03. Jo’s Garmin had recorded the ascent as higher than Everest, was it overcome by the heat too? Jo said it certainly felt like climbing Everest at times just not as cold!

Birthday girl Donna with husband Grahame

Some husbands might buy their wives flowers or chocolates to celebrate a birthday not Grahame; when Donna decided a marathon would be a good way to celebrate Grahame agreed to run it with her!  Finding the long flat stretches harder than the ascents nearer the end of the run and slightly regretting a lack of training Donna persevered through the heat and humidity and with Grahame at her side crossed the finish line in 9:25:16. A very memorable birthday!

Donna cools off during the City to Sea marathon

Much closer to home four Mighty Greens took part in the Lions 10k Trail Run on Woodbury Common.  It was the first time for Ann Cole and she might have regretted asking fellow MG’s Alexa Baker, Christine and Karen Farnham for a heads up on the course because all they remembered was the countless number of hills!

In fact, the 10k is a single loop course with some fabulous trails, two stream crossings and yes, hills, but what goes up must come down!  Although the sun didn’t appear until later in the morning the heat was relentless and despite running through wooded areas it was hard going; the water station was definitely an oasis!

The Awesome Foursome not thinking about hills!

With the help of the many friendly and encouraging marshals Christine was the first SRC runner over the line in 1:08:57, followed by Karen who happily stayed upright in 1:14:45 and Alexa who surprised herself with a sprint finish overtaking two runners right before the line in 1:15:40. They all cheered Ann over the line who was very pleased just to finish never mind about her time of 1:36:33.

Last Wednesday’s club run was a very social affair starting with a warm up by Alice in the Bowd car park before splitting into different mileage groups ready for a drink and roast potatoes on return.

Alice warming up the Wednesday club runners

Run leader Sarah Watkins made the 3 mile runners earn their rewards; they were enjoying the scenic route along the river so much they didn’t realise until the end they had run 4.5 miles which was longer than the 4-5 mile group did!

Are we nearly there yet?!?

Mileage aside everyone enjoyed the Bowd Inn’s hospitality and it was a lovely end to a Summer of evening trail runs.

The 4-5 milers agreed the hill was worth the view

Posted in SRC

SRC’s Mark Andow Runs ‘Fun’ Dartmoor Crossing Ultra and Junior Sessions Return

Mark Andow wore his Mighty Green shirt when he took part in Outeredges’ Dartmoor Crossing recently; not that you would know as his raincoat was zipped up the whole time!

The 34 mile race started at Belstone and the MG ran through a mixed bag of weather conditions to finish in Ivybridge.  Although the clear visibility and well marked out course didn’t stop him from ending up hip deep in a bog on one point-the fun part?!  Despite this Mark finished in just under 7 hours,  42nd in a field of 112 and 7th in his age/gender category, fantastic effort!

Mark Andow in training

This has been good preparation for Mark who is running The Templar Way on Sunday 17th September as part of a club organised event.  Bex McDonald and chairman Terry Bewes have been busy planning the club outing which starts at Haytor and finishes 17 miles later in Teignmouth with an important low tide!

With the school summer holidays ending the running club is looking forward to welcoming old and new Juniors back to St Johns sports hall on Wednesday 13th September 5.45-6.45pm.  The 8-11 year olds enjoy ‘Fun’demental sessions which include throwing, jumping and running in the sports hall whilst the 11+ group enjoy building their stamina and improving their technique on road and off road runs.  Please use the contact Junior Coach tab on the club’s website for more details.

Jumping Juniors

As the evenings darken the club will return to on road running starting from St Johns School on Monday 18th September where torches and reflective gear will be necessary.  The club has enjoyed a variety of off road runs on Monday evenings thanks to John and Ben Chesters throughout the summer and they will lead monthly torch lit off road runs from October.  So if you are new to the area, looking for a new activity to get you through the darker nights or thinking of returning to running there is something for everyone at the friendly Sidmouth Running Club; just head to our website.

Posted in SRC

Ultras, Challenges, Milestones and Chips For Sidmouth Running Club

SRC’s Adrian Harris travelled to the Lake District to take part in the Lakeland 50 ultra marathon with a target of completing it in 15 hours.  Adrian ran through rain, hail and battled high winds over the summits although the sun did come out at times highlighting the stunning scenery of the Lake District. The Mighty Green was very pleased to finish in 12.5 hours especially as he was well ahead of his much younger friend Simon!

Adrian Harris after 12.5 hours of running!

Mighty Green Mark Andow took part in the Hope Trail 36 hour endurance event.  Mark ran the 5 mile loops throughout the day and night, taking very short power naps and trying out different ways of refuelling in preparation for a longer event later in the year!

SRC junior Amelia Womersley-Westlake kick started her summer holidays by taking part in the 5k Pretty Muddy event at Westpoint. Not only did Amelia tackle the obstacles head on enjoying the mud and rain finishing in 49 minutes, she also raised £75 for Cancer Research.  Amelia then took part in the Haldon parkrun finishing in 41.49! Despite the rain, tough terrain and hills 7 year old Amelia said this is her favourite parkrun route!

Amelia enjoying the muddy, wet obstacles

MG Claudia Barry also has fundraising on her mind with a fun day and raffle organised for Saturday 12th August at The Guide Hut, Lawn Vista from 1-4pm.  Claudia, who first joined the club at 17, is in training for the 100k Thames Path Ultra Challenge next month to raise awareness and money for the National Brain Appeal.

Claudia Barry in training for her fundraising ultra

Cranbrook was the chosen venue for Mighty Green Derek Blackburn’s 100th parkrun as it is a favourite of his and he often volunteers there too.  In fact he wore the 30 minute pacers bib and did a great job encouraging everyone and keeping them on track.  It might have been the mention of cake that Anne, Dereks’ wife made to celebrate, that encouraged a posse of club members to join Derek on his milestone run but everyone had a great time including Kate and Hugh Jenkins running their first parkrun and Beccy Johnson and Alexa Baker who got PB’s.

Derek celebrating his 100th parkrun

As there was a 5th Monday in July the club run became a social one.  Starting from The Bowd chairman Terry Bewes led the group on an enjoyable 4 mile loop taking in the Bulverton campsite along very overgrown narrow paths finishing back at the pub where drinks and chips were enjoyed.

Enjoying the chips inside the pub

Another reason to join this friendly, supportive, running club?!

Cooling off outside before the chips arrived

Posted in SRC

SRC’s Jo Earlam Joins The 100 Marathon Club

There were plenty of Mighty Greens competing in Winding Paths Exe Estuary 50K, marathon and half marathon on Sunday as Jo Earlam had chosen the event to be her 100th marathon and they wanted to make it one to remember.

Colin leads from the start

The ultra and marathon runners set off from Dawlish Warren at 8.30 am in high spirits. Running their first ultras were Claudia Barry, Clare Luke and Donna Womersley-Westlake.

Claudia in training for 100k

Claudia, who is in training for a 100k run in September for the National Brain Appeal, ran with Jo until the ultra/marathon split while Clare and Donna had experienced ultra runner Grahame Womersley-Westlake to keep them on track.

Ultra Clare, Grahame and Donna

Out of a field of 41, Claudia was the first SRC ultra runner over the finish line in 35th place 7:32:33 with Donna, Clare and Grahame finishing well within the cut off time in 8:36:36.

Whilst waiting for the 9.45am start from Topsham, SRC half marathon runners were comparing shoe choices (trail 5-road 1) and past experiences. Louise Dalton and Becky Knapman were running light whilst Rachel Barnard, Ann Cole, Marian Johnson and Alexa Baker had running vests with everything, but the kitchen sink inside! Louise, who joined the club in March and was first female SRC runner to finish last week’s Otter Rail and River 10k, had an incredible run.

Louise and Becky are all smiles

The MG finished in 12th place out of a field of 109 in 1:54:57 and, like last week, was 2nd female to finish and was very pleased with how her run went. Becky was also very pleased with how her second half marathon went finishing in 2:08:49 despite the brutal hill at the end!

Rachel and Alexa leaving Exmouth behind

Rachel and Alexa ran the City to Sea marathon with Jo last year but were very happy with their decision to run the half this time and finished in 2:48:42 whilst Ann and Marion, both their second half marathons, finished in the rain in 3:24:04 and 3:26:31 respectively.

Ann and Marion on the Goat Path

Hot on his success at last week’s Otter Rail and River 10k Colin Ryan had an amazing marathon run, his first in 15 years.  The Mighty Green overtook the ‘steadier’ SRC half marathon runners at Sandy Bay and although they knew not many marathon runners had gone past them Colin didn’t and was very surprised to learn he crossed the finish line in 4th place, 2nd male overall in 3:56:22.

A very happy Colin


Social secretary Naomi Garrick ran the marathon with balloons tied onto her and with Richard King, paved the way for Jo and MG’s Becky Robson, Jane Hemsworth and Sarah Watkins. There was no doubt that everyone knew Jo was running her 100th marathon especially as her race number was 100 too!

Naomi and Richard in Topsham

Becky, who has only just started running again after a six year break, was delighted to be able to run alongside Jo on her 100th marathon as was Sarah who has run several marathons with Jo. Jane and Jo have run over 20 marathons together and at the finish line Jane presented Jo with a trophy to mark the momentous occasion. Naomi and Richard finished in 6:06:57 with Jo’s gang finishing in 6:22:59.

Jane presenting Jo with a trophy

There was great support along the way from Mighty Greens Helen and David Palmer who cycled ahead of Jo to cheer her on and take photos; Liz Wright, Jim Hudson and granddaughter came to see the half marathon runners off and cheer the marathon runners through Topsham and Emma Grainger was spotted in Exmouth. The SRC posse joined members of Jo’s family and friends at Budleigh Salterton to cheer Jo over the finish line where the inclement weather did not dampen her amazing achievement and she soon changed into her 100 marathon club t-shirt and proudly wore her huge 100 marathon medal. A Mighty Green indeed!

Jo was cheered in by family and friends

Posted in SRC

Strong Mighty Green Presence At The Otter Rail and River 10k and Fun Run

There was a sea of green at Saturday’s Otter Rail and River 10k when nearly 50 adult and Junior members of Sidmouth Running Club took part and even the rain part way through didn’t dampen their MG spirit.

The Junior warm up

Juniors Dominic, John, Marcus and Amelia represented the club as they lined up at 10.30am to start the mile long Jackie Box fun run.  It didn’t take them long; the adults were soon cheering them over the line before their 10.40am group photo!  All the runners received a medal and a jelly snake which Amelia for one enjoyed.

Our Mighty Green Juniors

Following the adult team photo, which almost everyone was in, a hearty ‘Happy Birthday’ was sung to MG Marion Johnson who was celebrating her 75th birthday by running the race with some of her family!

Birthday girl Marion and her family

The event raises much needed funds for Tiptons’ community owned playing field which is where the start/finish was. The route is through the beautiful Otter Valley following the river to Harpford, through the woods along the old railway line to Tipton and a loop back around to the finish line.  Despite the rain earlier in the week the ground was very hard, rutty and stony in places which made for tricky running. This did not hinder Colin Ryan, first MG over the finish line, 27th out of a field of 233, in 46:35, 1st MV60. SRC’s website officer, Rob Edwards was 1st MV70 in 58.32 and Junior leader Catherine Hilton was 1st local lady home (not for the first time!) in 55.26.  They were presented with a trophy and all finishers received a bottle of Otter Ale.

Colin Ryan leading the way for SRC

There were several members wearing their Mighty Green shirts at an event for the first time including Jack Crathern, Georgie Lamprill, Alice Gill, Haiden Clapp and the dynamic trio Lucia Hofstetter, Grace and Hannah Wightman.  These ladies joined the beginners’ course in January and set themselves the target to run this 10k event, which they did confidently, with smiles on their faces and with their families cheering them on.  They are great club ambassadors.

10k done! Hannah, Lucia and Grace celebrate

Special mentions must go to MG David Wright for running it twice (once to check the course was clear), club chairman Terry Bewes for liaising with Race Director Jemma Wiltshire and setting up the start/finish line, Jemma and her team for organising this popular local event, press officer Alexa Baker for leading the junior and adult warm ups and the runners who came to the aid of a MG that took a tumble.

Terry overseeing the start

Race results: Colin Ryan 46:35; Louise Dalton 48:28; Tom Knight 48:46; Colin L’Anson 50:36; David King 52:24; Amanda Stokes 53:33; Suzi Rockey 53:54; Ed Brougham 54:18; Becky Knapman 54:34; Richard King 55:24; Catherine Hilton 55:26; Shaun Tipton 55:57; Yasmin Salter 57:08; Katy Cartwright 57:53; Tim Swarbrick 57:58; Rob Edwards 58:32; Christine Farnham 58:32; Naomi Garrick 59:39; Cheryl Boulton 59:46; Charlie Fawell 60:19; Brigid McEleney-Smith 63:02; Sarah Clapham 66:04; Alice Gill 66:25; David Wright 69:43; Haiden Clapp 69:49; Grace Wightman 69:48; Jo Earlam 70:38; Leeann Thomson 70:57; Jack Crathern 72:14; Georgie Lamprill 72:15; Carol McManus 74:30; Jim Hudson 74:31;  Liz Wright 74:32; Nikita Kay 75:01; Marion Johnson 79:08; Ann Cole 79:10; Tracy Scannell 81:30; Lucia Hofstetter 81:48; Emma Grainger 82:30; Hannah Wightman 82:34; Alison Long 82:53; Alexa Baker 82:53; Doreth Lawrence 85:09; Judith Jeeves 85:10.

Posted in SRC

The Mighty Green Spirit Has Many Guises

Have you ever wondered why Sidmouth Running Club call themselves the Mighty Greens?  There has been some good examples recently from members pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, injured members coming out to support fellow runners, members flying the Sidmouth flag and club runners supporting each other.

Adrian ‘Gripper’ Horne and son Ollie Goodchild-Horne headed up to Belvoir Castle near Grantham to join the ‘Son’s of Mudarchy’ OCR (obstacle course race) team. They were taking part in Europe’s Toughest Mudder, a 12 hour race throughout the night where they keep adding in different obstacles as you try and complete as many laps as you can.

Gripper before injury

Almost all the obstacles require team work to get over them as they are very big and very hard some involve barbed wire, water and pitch black tunnels with menthol pumped through them!  Unfortunately, during the first lap going through a smelly lake Gripper felt a niggle in his arm.  This did not deter the Mighty Green and showing MG grit and determination he continued with Ollie’s help to get under and over the obstacles despite his bicep becoming more and more painful. They carried on to complete 3 laps and it was only then that they realised the extent of the injury, a torn bicep, and wisely decided to call it a night.


SRC’s Hannah Maslen showed her Mighty Green spirit as she completed her first 100k (64 mile) event.  Hannah has been fitting in early morning training runs and cross fit sessions to prepare for the Salomon Serpent Trail event.  With her family supporting her all the way, Hannah crossed the finish line with her children having run for over 17 hours.  Well done Hannah what a great achievement.

Hannah crossing the line with her family

Wearing his Mighty Green shirt Neville Hylton took part in his first parkrun in about 13 years at Norman Park, Bromley.  About ¾ of the way around and feeling he’d gone off too fast, he asked a nearby runner is it 2 or 3 laps?  Luckily, he replied 2 then on noticing his MG shirt asked is it flat in Sidmouth, as he was from Torbay.  They chatted for a while before he said don’t let me hold you back so Neville pressed on. At the finish the man commended Neville on his effort and it was then, face to face that Neville thought he recognised him from work so asked did we used to work together as you look familiar?  It turned out to be Olympian javelin thrower, Steve Backley OBE! It goes to show wearing the MG shirt certainly gets a conversation started!

Steve Backley OBE and our very own Neville

LME’s Balmy Bicton 10k took place on Sunday and the Mighty Green spirit was out in force there too.

Balmy Bicton 10k

Pete Norman turned up wearing his MG shirt despite being unable to participate due to injury to cheer on his fellow runners and take photos.

A True MG Pete Norman

MG Becky Proctor and her children were very encouraging to the runners whilst out for a bike ride on the common. SRC’s Grahame Womersley-Westlake had a fantastic race finishing 16th overall out of a field of 71, his highest ever placing. When Clive Gilbert finished not far behind Grahame they both decided, in true MG spirit, to run back to Donna Womersley-Westlake and Clare Luke to encourage them over the finish line. (It nearly didn’t happen as they took a wrong turn but found them in the end!)

Grahame and Clive bringing the girls home

Organiser Lizzie Mayne was donating a percentage of the entry fee to Mill Water School where the race started and finished from and the school had a team running in the event too.  This included two Mighty Greens Beccy Johnson and Kathy Jordan who swapped their MG shirts for blue ones.  Many members of SRC have donated to their Just Giving page showing their support to Beccy and Kathy and the school whilst Alexa, Donna and Clare showed their support another way-buying cakes from the PTA stall at the end! A big thank you must go to Lizzie and her team, everyone is so friendly and encouraging and the new route this year was great.

Cake anyone?!?

There will be more Mighty Green spirit on display next week when Lucia Hofstetter, Grace and Hannah Wightman line up for The Otter Rail and River 10k, their first race and longest distance since they joined the beginner’s course in January.  You can be sure that all the club runners will be supporting and cheering them on.  Good luck ladies.

Balmy Bicton 10k Results: Grahame Womersley-Westlake 50:53, Clive Gilbert 53:11, Beccy Johnson 1:02:56, Alexa Baker 1:05:16, Kathy Jordan 1:08:35, Donna Womersley Westlake and Clare Luke 1:16:33

Posted in SRC

Fantastic Finishers Medal, Parkrun Collab and Fundraising Total For Mighty Greens

When Sidmouth Running Club members Beccy Johnson and Kathy Jordan signed up for Winding Paths Summer Trails 10k, they were hopeful the 6.30pm start would mean a cooler temperature to run in.  This was not the case; in fact, it was 25 degrees, and they were very glad of their Mighty Green running vests!  There were shady spots too through the wooded areas of Dartington Estate as well as gates, hills and some tricky terrain to navigate.

A welcome bit of shade

The MG’s were drawn to enter the event because of the fantastic finishers medal which features a stag’s head and were very pleased to receive one after finishing in 1:17:00.  Beccy said the event was very well organised with lovely friendly marshals and they enjoyed watching the sunset on the way home.

Beccy and Kathy loving their medals

Exmouth Parkrun was the venue for a collaboration with The Box (OJ Gym) and Sidmouth Running Club members of the gym last Saturday.  It was also MG Carol Hounsell’s first park run since her knee injury and was testament to her commitment to rehab training with PT Josh Solman that she had a great run.  Mighty Green Donna Womersley-Westlake was very pleased to finish in 32 minutes, a new PB and MG’s Clare Luke and Nikita Kay both ran sub 30 minutes.  Two Sidmouth Running Club Juniors took part in the parkrun too, running with MG Grahame Womersley-Westlake. Amelia Womersley finished in 41 minutes and brother Jack Westlake finished in 42 minutes; 5th and 7th place in the under 10’s category.

Members of SRC and OJ The Box at Exmouth Parkrun

Grahame and Josh were spotted later at Marion Johnson’s London marathon soup and sandwich fundraiser which was very well supported by Mighty Greens, family and friends.  It was a novelty seeing everyone in ‘civvies’ and an opportunity to chat without puffing and panting whilst eating delicious soup and an array of sandwiches and cakes!  Marion, who attends Josh’s fitness sessions,  and her team of helpers did a superb job which was reflected in the total raised, £987, in two hours and amazingly, direct donations to her JustGiving page made by those unable to get to the event has taken her over the £2,000 target!  Marion, who is running the London Marathon for the first time at the age of 75 for Leukaemia Care is, as one of her donors wrote, an inspiration for health, fitness and eternal youth and her energy is amazing. Huge Mighty Green Congratulations Marion.

Incognito Mighty Greens at Marion’s fundraiser

Posted in SRC