Finish for Matt

Matt Campbell was running the London Marathon to raise £2,500 for the Brathay Trust. Matt had been a semi-finalist in the BBC program MasterChef: the Professionals. Sadly Matt collapsed and died after 22.5 miles. In his honour thousands have pledged to run the 3.7 miles that Matt was unable to.

Sunday morning 8:30am saw Sidmouth Running Club out in numbers to run the 3.7 miles for Matt – 82 humans and 8 dogs met down on the Esplanade, raising £194.25 for the Brathay Trust.


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That was March

Sidmouth Runners finish March in style

Sidmouth Running Club welcomes runners of all abilities and experience and the last week in March saw a whole range of runners in action.

During the week night runs the Club celebrated another cohort of beginners completing their New Year programme by running three miles nonstop. With a few runners to go more than 20 beginners of all ages have now achieved this important milestone in their running development. They will now join club runs on Monday and Wednesday evenings with the opportunity as the evenings draw out to join the off-road groups running footpaths and lanes in East Devon.

The smiling beginners described themselves ‘proud and motivated’ as they were congratulated by other club members.


One of last year’s beginners, David Skinner, completed the Easter Bunny 10k organised by Yeovil Town RRC. Around 450 runners followed a waterlogged route around the villages of West Camel and David, who is now a seasoned Park Runner was pleased his time over this longer distance of 1:08:27 and 338th position, and an enormous bunny medal.


Following some cracking marathon training runs from the boys the previous weekend the girls were not to be outdone and pulled out all the stops for the Easter weekend. Kerry Boyle and Clare Ashby stormed around their final long training run on a course that started at Countess Wear and followed the River Exe up to Exwick, then downstream to Starcross, and finally back up to Countess Wear. They completed their 20 mile route at an average 8.22 minutes per mile, with a negative split and three minutes faster than their last long run. With all the hard work done now Kerry and Clare are looking forward to easing back the training and saving their legs. Clare Ashby said ‘we have got three weeks to go until the London Marathon and we are more than ready to taper!’


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Busy Weekend

Busy Weekend for the Running Club

Saturday morning saw Olympic distance running legend and Sidmouth Running Club Ambassador, Jo Pavey, out supporting a local fundraising event. Newton Poppleford Primary School PTFA, assisted by Sidmouth Running Club, organised a 10km sponsored run that was started by Jo at the Sailing Club, also HQ for the Running Club, on Saturday morning. Jo Pavey gave the 21 runners a motivational talk, set them off, and then set off on her first training session of the day. Organiser Emma Finch thanked Jo, the sponsors, SRC and helpers. Runners raised £3500 towards the PTFA target of £10k.



Meanwhile further down the coast Nigel Maeer and new club member Dan Carter were out on a training run the length of a marathon. They completed their 26.2 miles in 3:45:16, and were pleased with a great time. However club runner Antony Hall was also in action on Saturday and completed 26.83 miles in a scorching 3:13:01giving an average 7.11 minute miles.



The Running Club ladies were not to be outdone. After both having chest infections which forced them to miss the 4 Trigs event cheery duo Cath Miller and Polly Walton decided they would do their own 4 Trigs race on Sunday morning and enjoyed stunning weather and amazing company. ‘What a great run!’ said Cath, ‘stunning day, especially with a little show from four deer. The only thing missing was tea and cake at the Sailing Club!’

Posted in SRC

AGM 2018

A Year to celebrate at Sidmouth Running Club

Sidmouth Running Club’s AGM and Trophy night took place after last Wednesday’s club run and allowed the many members who attended to reflect on a successful year for the Club.

Club Chairman, Terry Bewes, reported to members on the growing membership, the success of the Beginners and Improvers Courses, and the events and activities organised by the Club during 2017. With over 200 members and a selection of regular runs of different distances being led on and off road every week by run leaders, Terry paid tribute to the Committee, helpers and run leaders who made it all possible. The club invests in the training of its run leaders and Terry told his audience that with a growing membership, more were needed and invited members to consider taking the opportunity to be trained and to lead.

The Chairman also recorded a vote of thanks to Vice Chair Becky Robson who in 2017 resurrected the Time Trials with a record 74 members recording times on the first outing at the start of the season. Each month the time trial over the same course allowed members to track improvements in speed. Club members bid Becky a fond farewell as she has retired from the Club after 15 years of successful running and non-stop encouragement for others.

Looking forward Terry pledged that the Club would concentrate on its core strength, running. He said, ‘The beginner’s group this year showed great commitment so we will endeavour to train and encourage them to achieve even greater heights than the nonstop 3 miles they can all run now. Tim Mitchell’s work in the role off Head Coach has been inspiring and his technical and improvers courses have been very well received by those taking part.

He highlighted to members that SRC would be hosting the Woodland Relays in June. ‘These runs are for teams of 3 and the short course of 3-4km will be ideal for our beginners and will be an excellent opportunity to put the training into practice and have a fun evening’

One of the features of 2017 has been the growing strength of the group of younger female runners and Terry was pleased to tell members that Kerry Boyle will be working throughout the year towards becoming the Junior Leader, and Claire Ashby has agreed to help her taking various courses up to assistant coach level.

With exciting times ahead Club members enjoyed the presentation of an array of Trophies and Awards to runners and those who had made special contributions and achievements.

Trophy Winners:

Female runner of the year – Sarah Watkins

Male runner of the year – Danny Painter

Runners Runner – Tim Mitchell

Wooden Spoon – John Chesters

Time Trials short course – Joint winners Caroline Ball and Jenni Yeoman

Time Trials long course – Paul Wright

Reindeer Run, most improved – Debbie Marriott

Mighty Green Awards Winners 2017

Mighty Green Racing Challenge:

Winner. Steve Saunders – Houston Space City 10 miler 4696 miles

Runner up. Jo Earlam – New York Marathon 3309 miles

Mighty Green Holiday Challenge:

Winner. Sarah Watkins. – Machu Picchu, Peru. 6045 miles

Runner up. David Hedges – Athabasca Glacier, Jasper, Canada 4227 miles

Mighty Green Ultra Queen:

Carine Silver 100k Wellington Boot – 17 hours 59 minutes

Jennifer Bentley Jurassic 100k, Weymouth to Exmouth – 24hours 6 minutes

Debbie Marriot Jurassic 100k, Weymouth to Exmouth – 24hours 6 minutes

Mighty Green Strike the Pose, Vogue: Paula Farrand

Mighty Green ‘DONK’ Award: Nigel Maer

Mighty Green Recovery Award: Lynda Hawkins

New Club Marathon Record: Justin Ashby 2:41:40

Posted in SRC

Kerry for London

Kerry Runs London

Local GP, Mum, and runner, Dr Kerry Boyle is asking for community support in her challenge to raise £2000 for the Institute of Cancer Research. Kerry plans to run in the 2018 London Marathon and is organising a fun event as part of her campaign. Kerry said “as well as putting in the training I am running a charity ‘pub quiz’ at the Woodlands Hotel on 24 February 2018 with a raffle and auction. I would be so grateful for any donations large or small for the raffle and auction”.

Both the venue and the charity are very close to Kerry’s heart. Kerry and husband Phil had their wedding reception at the Woodlands Hotel in June 2016. A few months later the couple were devastated by the loss of their best man, Richard Browne to stomach cancer. Kerry said, “losing Rich made us want to do something to fight this terrible illness. The Institute of Cancer Research, based at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, is one of the world’s most influential cancer research organisations making discoveries that defeat cancer. It is now suspected that 1 in 2 of us will get cancer during our lifetime and it does not matter how old or how young you are, so it is vital funding is raised for this life changing research to take place”.

Kerry has run for Sidmouth running club since moving to Sidmouth with her young family in 2013 and has gradually built up her distance, successfully completing the Exeter marathon this year. London 2018 is her next big goal before taking on the challenge of Junior Coach at the club.

I have always been a runner, and we are so lucky in East Devon to have amazing trails and views to enhance the enjoyment that running brings. The running club in Sidmouth is great because it caters for all standards and is so welcoming, but currently there is nothing for our youngsters’.

Once the hours of training and fundraising are complete Kerry will continue her coaching qualifications to become a UK Athletics coach so that Sidmouth running club can cater for juniors (8-15yr) hopefully this time next year!

If you would like to donate to Kerry’s cause please visit her website

To contact her for more information or donations for her charity event please visit her Facebook page:



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New Club Kit

The wait is over, here are your new Club t-shirt and vest. The Mighty Green moves on and up into the 21st century.

New design Club t-shirts

New design club vests

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