AGM 2019

Chair’s report to the 16th AGM 05/03/2019

For the period January to December 2018

2018 saw the club grow ever stronger ending the year with 204 paid up members, a record for the club. This success we can relate back to the decision we took at the AGM last year to focus solely on our core strength RUNNING.

We started the year with 32 beginners coached by Helen Palmer and Colin Flood and 24 Improvers coached by Tim Mitchell. Our core group of runners in the 3 and 4/5 mile groups continued to turn out in force and enjoy themselves and that is the ethos of the club, enjoy. Tim’s technical sessions and Ben and Justin’s interval training were well attended by members of varying abilities, so suitable for all. The 6 mile groups had their own devotees who like a harder workout. John and Ben Chesters lead the Monday off road runs and their knowledge of the area meant we never ran the same route twice. The Zebra I saw on Woodbury Common I found out later after watching the news was in fact a horse with a Zebra striped coat over it to keep off the flies.

None of this would have been possible without the time and dedication of our

Coaches and Run Leaders who not only lead runs but also give their time in attending the various courses. The more the club grows the greater the call will be on them. We are always looking for new leaders from members who run regularly with the club so if you are interested in committing to attending a one day course and leading one run a month then please let me know.

My committee have grown in confidence to meet the needs of the growing club, expanding their individual roles to cope with the additional workload.

Secretary Jo Earlam was always on the ball keeping us up to date on rule changes that affect us and taking the minutes of our meetings. Treasurer Tim Clay kept our accounts up to date. Head Coach Tim Mitchell organised courses, run locations, leaders and run diary. Kerry Boyle started her journey to become our Junior Leader. Web-Ed Rob Edwards, inputting our data and sorting out the problems that arose with the system. We purchased an add-on which enables us to block IP addresses by country, and we got several hundred every week. Els Laureys assistant Web Editor taking on more of the inputting onto the website which is much appreciated. Press Officer Hamish Spence kept the club’s profile high with his press releases which are so important to keep the club in the public domain. But, and it’s a big BUT, he needs your help to keep it going. So again I remind you that it’s so important whenever you run whether in a race or training run take photos and make sure you send a few bullet points to him. Don’t forget those Mighty Green Holiday snaps either. He is an excellent scribe but needs the basis of a story. Debbie Marriott Cup Custodian came up with the concept of the Mighty Green Ambassador Awards and did such an excellent job on producing the Role Description document.

Exe to Axe race director Paul Mitchell with the organising help of Rob Edwards ran an extremely challenging event very professionally, having much favourable feedback from those that entered. To all the members who helped out on the day thank you, as without your help this race wouldn’t take place and it’s so important to the club as it is the only event we organise and our only source of external income. The profit it makes allows us to keep the subs low and put on the free events that we do throughout the year.

Charlotte Forrer our reportable accident recorder thankfully kept a clean sheet and came up with the idea of the East Devon Spring which she will be organising. Naomi Garrick Social Secretary organising our social side.

Jane Hemsworth controls our club kit in a most professional manner.

Thanks to Kyle Baker for the time he gives to the club with his amazing photography and producing all the various certificates.

I’d like to extend a vote of thanks to Debbie Marriott who is standing down from the committee but will still be co-ordinating the Mighty Green Awards: Paul Mitchell who is standing down as Race Director of JP’s Exe to Axe but is staying on the committee and Monica Read who stood down as Press Officer.

I welcomed Sarah Watkins as Vice Chair and David Lee as race director for the JP’s Exe to Axe

The Mighty Green on Holiday and Racing Challenge will continue through 2019. Keep sending in the photographs because as you’ll see later there are prizes to be won at the end of the year.

In June we hosted the Woodland Relays and what a phenomenally successful event that turned out to be. Expecting 30 teams of three we ended up with 62, and with their supporters we had over 200 at the Scout Field. It was a fantastic club effort with many members involved either running or helping out. What pleased me most was the number of members who used their initiative in sorting out problems as they arose. When I meet members of other clubs that were there they never fail to mention the quality and number of cakes made by our members and the efficiency of the catering crew.

Moving forward to 2019, what a great start with a record number of Beginners and sponsorship of a Mighty Green shirt from Nikki and Richard King of Kings Garden Centres for all those that complete the 3 mile test run, thank you so much for such a generous gesture.

We look forward to the Junior section starting in June being led by Kerry and Claire Ashby. A priority will be investigating a better way of communicating with our members.

As I mentioned before, Sarah Watkins came forward as Vice Chair and during this year I’ll be starting the process of handing over the reins to her. For those of you that don’t know Sarah you soon will as during our meeting she was described as a female version of me, so no problem there. Things will have to change though as she will not have the time that I have, so it’s up to you members to help and get involved in some way. We need to appoint a membership secretary and cup custodian for a start.

Alexa Baker has come forward to becoming a Run Leader.

Cheryl Boulton and Chris Day Kerry have become involved by arranging team photos at Parkruns, John Doherty by peeling potatoes! and remember all this counts towards your ambassador’s award.

And finally, to sum up I would like to thank you all for supporting your club and would encourage you to enter some races wearing that Mighty Green shirt that you should be proud to wear, you worked so hard for it.

For the majority of us it’s not about winning but taking part and supporting your club as well as getting your photo in the paper.

Terry Bewes


6th March 2019

Posted in SRC

Sunday Run

Sunday Training Continues

With a great turnout on the last Sunday training run of 2018. Twenty two members and three dogs met up at the Sidmouth Rugby Club. With new titanium studded shoes being worn, David Lee was able to show how much looping back can be achieved with good equipment.

Posted in SRC

Carol Singing Run

SRC Carol Singing Party Run.
On Wednesday the 19th of December for the weekly club evening meet up, there were two running groups, one did a more serious six mile route and the other took a more leisurely three and a bit mile with a carol singing tour around the town.
We called on some ex-members and friends of the club giving our best rendition of Oh Come All Ye Faithful and Silent Night. There were more songs sung at various points and as we ran past the Fields Department Store, a  couple out for a walk received a perfected version of Jingle Bells. Then lastly onto The Kingswood And Deboran Hotel on the seafront where we Wished A Merry Christmas to the town council as they were waiting for the Christmas Pudding to be served. We think they enjoyed our efforts as there was plenty of applause after.
A quick jog back to Port Royal for our Christmas get together with food, drinks, a quiz and raffle. After the raffle Jo Earlam presented on behalf of the club, for all the hard work done by Chairman Terry Bewes, a tee-shirt with Captain Terry, King of the Mighty Greens emblazoned upon it.
Posted in SRC

Exmouth 1-way

One Way Ticket To Exmouth. Run, Jog Or Walk Back To Sidmouth.

The annual coach trip to Exmouth on Sunday 16th December included 27 SRC members and 4 dogs. The coach made a stop at Budleigh for Christie Ward, Julia Haddrell, Alexa Baker and a few other members, to make their way back along nine miles of the coastal path. Then Janice Long, Greg Ward, John Sharples, Peter Bishop and a Whippet were dropped off at the Exmouth Lifeboat Station for a longer eleven mile jaunt back. The final drop-off point was at Exmouth Rugby Club giving a fourteen mile trek back to Sidmouth. On disembarking the coach, Tim Mitchell and Richard Summerhayes shot off leaving The Rusty Runners (Terry’s words not mine) Monica Read, HelenPalmer, Cathy Keast and Terry Bewes to their more leisurely paced Jog back along the coastal path. There were some heavy showers, lots of mud to wade through and many hills to climb on what was a great day out.

Posted in SRC

New Run Leader Paul

Vice Chair Sarah Watkins (left) and Head Coach Tim Mitchell (right) welcome Paul Mitchell (centre) to his new role as Run Leader.

Paul Mitchell is the latest SRC member to have completed the Run Leader training course. Having been a member of the club for 14 years, and recently taken early retirement, he is now able to make this commitment. The training session was held in Plymouth led by representatives from UK Athletics. The training course permits the attendees to gain a license from UK Athletics which provides insurance for run leaders. The session covered running techniques for new runners up to high performance runners. The club sponsors this course to ensure that it has sufficient leaders in order to facilitate around five different run sessions each week from beginner to experienced runner.

Posted in SRC

Leader Chris

Chris Leads The Way

Chris Day-Kerry recently passed the one day leadership course giving Sidmouth Running Club it’s newest run leader. He was welcomed to his new role by Head Coach Tim Mitchell and took his first group out on Wednesday evening last week. He chose an almost three mile jog in a sort of figure of eight fairly flat route. With lots of positive feed back from his group, the rest of us will be looking forward to being put though our paces by Chris in the future.

Posted in SRC

Park Run Roundup

Autumn Park Run Round Up

   Steve Saunders enjoyed the decent weather with 150 other runners in Cornwall on the 29th of September by running the Park Run at the Eden Project. Starting at the top car park and running down towards the biomes was great on the way down, but then it’s a run back up to the top to complete the first of 3 circuits.  Fine if you like hill training!! Steve found this oddly enjoyable and finished in 24m:42s despite setting off a bit too fast to begin with.

Helen Palmer tried out Killerton on the 13th of October for her first ever Park Run and enjoyed a leisurely tour around the country grounds taking in the country air and not worrying about a PB.

David Skinner continued his quest in his Alphabet Park Run collection, by completing Minehead in the wet, windy and generally unpleasant conditions giving him the ‘M’. Then on the 20th of October David collected an ‘L’ at Longrun Meadow in Taunton, or is it now pronounced Launton? Do we allow this one? Okey, so we do which means this gives him six more to get on the UK mainland with ‘J’ to be Jersey at some point. He is still scratching his head for X and Z!

Meanwhile, Christie Ward and her farther John Sharples went to the Seaton Park Run where Christie managed a PB time of 28m:10s with John a second behind.

Julia Haddrell tried the Exmouth Park Run in beautiful sunshine and achieved a 30m:27s timing. She was happy with that timing, but Julia felt that far too much time was spent avoiding cow-pats at the Killerton Park Run on the 27th of October, that it was very cold, it all seemed uphill and no PB! Well Julia, it was cold and the cow-pats were frozen!

Lastly, I am very happy to inform you all that the speedy Kirsteen Welch has been smashing Park Run times with a cracking Exmouth18m:29s!

Posted in SRC

Member 200

Kat Gets Membership Number Two Hundred

Kat and Terry

This Bank holiday Monday evening saw an historic moment in the club when the Chairman, Terry Bewes welcomed our 200th fully paid up member of the year. This came around after several weeks of an anticipated landmark point for Sidmouth Running Club. Kat Hall, who has been running alone for a while and had been put off from joining a club, out of fear of being left behind. Her husband Antony a club member and marathon runner kept telling her how the club supported runners off all ages and abilities. He encouraged her to give it a try and on Monday evening she did. Meeting at Joney’s Cross she joined in with seventeen other members for a 5 mile run over Alyesbere Common led by John and Ben Chesters.

After the evening run, she said that she had really enjoyed it, had received a warm welcome from all and was now looking forward to running regularly with the club. She thanked all present for the flowers and wine presented to her to mark the occasion.

The Sidmouth Running club is a friendly club, has an inclusive outlook giving encouragement and support to all no matter what the running ability of the individual. Terry offers an open invitation to all those who will be running the streets of Sidmouth during the winter months, whether they run alone or with others. Why not come along and try a couple of evening runs with the club on either a Monday or Wednesday 7pm from the sailing club from Monday 17th September.

Posted in SRC