Kerry for London

Kerry Runs London

Local GP, Mum, and runner, Dr Kerry Boyle is asking for community support in her challenge to raise £2000 for the Institute of Cancer Research. Kerry plans to run in the 2018 London Marathon and is organising a fun event as part of her campaign. Kerry said “as well as putting in the training I am running a charity ‘pub quiz’ at the Woodlands Hotel on 24 February 2018 with a raffle and auction. I would be so grateful for any donations large or small for the raffle and auction”.

Both the venue and the charity are very close to Kerry’s heart. Kerry and husband Phil had their wedding reception at the Woodlands Hotel in June 2016. A few months later the couple were devastated by the loss of their best man, Richard Browne to stomach cancer. Kerry said, “losing Rich made us want to do something to fight this terrible illness. The Institute of Cancer Research, based at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, is one of the world’s most influential cancer research organisations making discoveries that defeat cancer. It is now suspected that 1 in 2 of us will get cancer during our lifetime and it does not matter how old or how young you are, so it is vital funding is raised for this life changing research to take place”.

Kerry has run for Sidmouth running club since moving to Sidmouth with her young family in 2013 and has gradually built up her distance, successfully completing the Exeter marathon this year. London 2018 is her next big goal before taking on the challenge of Junior Coach at the club.

I have always been a runner, and we are so lucky in East Devon to have amazing trails and views to enhance the enjoyment that running brings. The running club in Sidmouth is great because it caters for all standards and is so welcoming, but currently there is nothing for our youngsters’.

Once the hours of training and fundraising are complete Kerry will continue her coaching qualifications to become a UK Athletics coach so that Sidmouth running club can cater for juniors (8-15yr) hopefully this time next year!

If you would like to donate to Kerry’s cause please visit her website

To contact her for more information or donations for her charity event please visit her Facebook page:



Posted in SRC

Drogo 10

Drogo 10 challenges Sidmouth 8

Eight members of Sidmouth Running Club took part in the ‘Drogo 10’ at the weekend enjoying stunning scenery of the Teign Gorge in the north of Dartmoor. Four hundred runners gathered outside the front of Castle Drogo for the start of this popular 9.6mile trail run before heading down a steep track to the river. The trail wound through woods tracks and paths, included a couple of steep hills before heading back along the Teign to Fingle Bridge then up the infamous Hunters Path hill back to Drogo for the finish.

Cath Miller and Kate Matravers, two of the Club’s growing contingent of competitive female runners, decided to keep up a club tradition and enjoyed the event as a social run. Chat on the way to the start passed seamlessly into the run itself and, barely interrupted by the finish, continued in the car on the way home. Cath was pleased with her time, ‘It was a gorgeous run’ she said, ‘despite every type of weather, including hail at the end.’ Just ahead of Cath and Kate, paying slightly more attention to the clock were Janice Ranson, in good running form and Sarah Watkins, recovering from injury and going from strength to strength.

SRC’s male runners were led by Julian Bartlett, closely followed by Phil Welsford and Simon Hollyer. Both Julian and Simon improved on last year’s times by 3 minutes and 5 minutes respectively, although Julian didn’t seem that pleased, commenting ‘Such hard work for so little time’!

Terry Bewes, whose winter running plan is progressing well, came in under 2 hours, averaging 12 minute miles on hilly rough and sometimes treacherous terrain. Arthur Vince, showed true club spirit and travelled from Chard to join the rest of the Mighty Green Team.

Club Runners are looking forward to the Bicton Blister on Sunday 26th November

RESULTS. Julian Bartlett 1:25:40, Phil Welsford 1:27:28, Simon Hollyer 1:43:39,

Janice Ranson 1:47:43, Sarah Watkins 1:54:10, Cath Miller 1:55:36, Katy Matravers 1:55:36, Terry Bewes 1:56:19, Arthur Vince 2:36:52.



Autumn Training

Autumn Training on track at Sidmouth Running Club

Sidmouth Running Club Members have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and spectacular local trails to get some off road training miles in ahead of the winter series of local trail events.

20 club members, led by Head Coach Tim Mitchell, are spending Wednesday evenings on a 10 week programme focussing on technique, pace and stamina for off road running. Putting some of that learning into practice group members were out and about running the footpaths and lanes this weekend.

Hamish Spence led one group, consisting of Bert Dykema, Cath Miller, Paula Farrand, Polly Walton, Kerry Boyle and guest Sam. This group planned 7-8 miles but setting off from the Sailing Club their route by the golf course to Mutters Moor, Ladram Bay and back to Port Royal turned it into a 9.5 mile run.

Meanwhile it took a bit of teamwork to navigate another group consisting of Terry Bewes, Sue Colman, Kate Johnston, Debbie Marriott, Monica Read, Cathy Keast and Don Cawthera. The planned route up the Otter from Newton Poppleford to Ottery and then up along East Hill to White Cross and down through Harpford Woods was spectacular, but longer than planned. Terry Bewes said ‘It was a fantastic route encompassing fields, lanes, river bed, woods and views to die for but closer to 12.5 miles than the planned 9-10!’

‘We are preparing well and hoping Sidmouth Running Club will be out in force at the upcoming local events – the Bicton Blister on 27 November and the Otterton Reinder Run on 2 December.’

Both events have different distances on offer and a warm welcome for runners of all abilities.


New Club Kit

The wait is over, here are your new Club t-shirt and vest. The Mighty Green moves on and up into the 21st century.

New design Club t-shirts

New design club vests

Posted in SRC

Dartmoor Vale

Sidmouth Runners take on Dartmoor Vale

In a weekend of glorious running weather there were some impressive performances from Sidmouth Runners. Danny Painter completed his second marathon in a week in Snowdonia, whilst closer to home SRC members competed in the 13th Dartmoor Vale races. Starting and finishing at East Gold Works in Newton Abbot runners had the option of a marathon, a half marathon or a 10kilometre race. David Wright and Jane Hemsworth from Sidmouth Running Club took part in the marathon and half marathon distances, and David was joined by Jessica Raynor and husband Simon in the Marathon.

Experienced competitor Jessica Raynor ran an impressive race, coming in as second fastest woman and 16th overall in 3h 23m 56s . Husband Simon completed the course in 5h 25m 49s.

Meanwhile, SRC stalwart, Jane Hemsworth, continuing her return to competition after some time off running, delivered a fantastic 3rd in age group in the half marathon, completing in just under 2 hours.

But for David this was his first marathon and he admitted that he had felt apprehensive before the race. ‘Although I completed the Grizzly last year I had never run over 20 miles before. Fortunately I picked up many words of wisdom from experienced runners at Sidmouth Running Club. This ranged from simple encouragement (I was promised a personal best in my first marathon!) to how much porridge to eat on the morning of race day.’

David embarked on the 26.2 mile course with 113 other runners intent on completing a double loop race out on the roads of the Teign Valley to Chudleigh and back down leafy country lanes. The course is relatively flat but has quite a hill at mile 6 which is repeated at mile 18.
David set off at a steady pace, allowing himself to complete his first marathon in 4hr 44m 46s, feeling pleased with his result and contemplating the next long distance event. ‘I’m going to concentrate on Sidmouth Running Club events next, I’m looking forward to The Four Trigs in February. In the meantime I’m really pleased with my first marathon. I don’t think I would have been able to complete 26.2 miles without the support of the Club – I would urge anyone to join, it does make a tremendous difference’.