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Dartmoor Discovery

Dartmoor Discovery

Sidmouth Running Club Another week and another marathon, only this time it was an Ultra. Danny Painter headed off to compete in the Dartmoor Discovery. The race organised by Teignbridge...

WomenCan Marathon

WomenCan Marathon

The Women Can Marathon There was a really good turnout from the female contingent of the Mighty Greens at the Women Can Marathon. Race report and results can be found...

JurassicCoast 100k

JurassicCoast 100k

The Jurassic Coast 100k It has been a very varied week for members of Sidmouth Running club with a park run, 10k’s, marathon and a 100k ultra marathon completed. The...

Exeter Marathon

Exeter Marathon

The Exeter Marathon Kerry Boyle chose the Exeter Marathon for her first attempt at this distance with a sub 3:50:00 as her target time. The course is ideal for those...

10k & ParkRuns

10k & ParkRuns

10ks and Park Run After eight weeks of training runs in preparation for the Ottery 10k Sidmouth Running Club member Lydia Mansi missed out on the day through illness. Determined...

Ottery 10k 2017

Ottery 10k 2017

The Ottery 10k The Ottery 10k race is excellently organised by Honiton Running Club which starts and finishes at the Ottery Cricket Club and is a fairly flat run on...