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Drogo 10

Drogo 10

Drogo 10 challenges Sidmouth 8 Eight members of Sidmouth Running Club took part in the ‘Drogo 10’ at the weekend enjoying stunning scenery of the Teign Gorge in the north...

Autumn Training

Autumn Training

Autumn Training on track at Sidmouth Running Club Sidmouth Running Club Members have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and spectacular local trails to get some off road training...

New Club Kit

New Club Kit

The wait is over, here are your new Club t-shirt and vest. The Mighty Green moves on and up into the 21st century. New design Club...

Dartmoor Vale

Dartmoor Vale

Sidmouth Runners take on Dartmoor Vale In a weekend of glorious running weather there were some impressive performances from Sidmouth Runners. Danny Painter completed his second marathon in a week...



Danny at the Snowdonia Marathon



Don in Sardinia