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4 Trigs Report

4 Trigs Report

Four Trigs Fun for Sidmouth Running Club More photos available.

Sunday Explorers

Sunday Explorers

Two great Sunday Runs Great club outing. Coach to Seaton then 12 miles back along the Coastal Path. The coach then carried on to Colyton for 14 miles back...

Kerry for London

Kerry for London

Sidmouth Runner on her way to London Sidmouth Running Club member, Kerry Boyle, is on schedule with both her tough training programme and fund raising plans for her London Marathon...

Fulfords 5

Fulfords 5

Sidmouth Four master Fulford’s Five Last Sunday saw four members of Sidmouth Running Club turn out for the Fulfords 5 mile race at Exmouth. It was an unusual event for the...

4 Trigs Gallery

4 Trigs Gallery

Dobbiaco, Italy

Dobbiaco, Italy

First sighting of the new Mighty Green vest in action. Catherine Hilton cross country skiing, Dobbiaco, Italy.