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Burrator 10k

Burrator 10k

Kirsteen Welsh

at the Burrator 10k road race.

Debbie, Don, Kate, Suzi at the Beer Blazer

Debbie, Don, Kate, Suzi at the Beer Blazer

 Four Sidmouth Running Club members took on the Beer Blazer this year. Doing the new 10 mile route were Don Cawthera who took 1st Sidmouth runner, 88th over all in...

Women Can Marathon

Women Can Marathon

Women Can Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k, 2019. On Sunday the 26th of May, 19 Ladies from SRC took part in the last ever Women Can Marathon to be held...

25th May Parkruns

Saturday 25th May was a busy day for Sidmouth runners who were out on Parkruns.

The Barbarian Off Road Triathlon.

The Barbarian Off Road Triathlon.

Ross Walton at the Barbarian Off Road Triathlon. - report to follow


London Vitality 10k

London Vitality 10k

Jodie Hawkins at the London Vitality 10k