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Bradleys Spring 10k

Bradleys Spring 10k

Bradleys Spring 10k While seventy Mighty Greens were over in Seaton doing the Grizzly, over in Exmouth six Mighty Greens took part in the Spring Bradleys 10k organised by LME...

Have Running Shoes will Travel

Have Running Shoes will Travel

  Mighty Greens running far and wide Sidmouth Running Club has been represented far and wide this weekend starting with Jo Earlam completing her 87th marathon in Exmouth, Toby Garrick...

Get ready for JP’s Exe to Axe

Get ready for JP’s Exe to Axe

Preparations for JP’s Exe To Axe are well underway While the focus for some of the Sidmouth Running Club members is increasing the mileage preparing for the upcoming Grizzly, three...

A Memorable Four Trigs

A Memorable Four Trigs

A Very Memorable 20th Anniversary Four Trigs Challenge How many entrants checked their emails on Sunday morning to see if the Four Trigs had been cancelled? With winds gusting at...

Wild Weekend for Races

Wild Weekend for Races

A Weekend Of Wild Nights, Driving Rain, Hilly Challenges and Cross Country Running Even though dubbed ‘The SW’s toughest night race’, Martin Barnard had a lot of fun on Saturday...

Blackdown Beast 2022

Blackdown Beast 2022

Sidmouth Running Club Defeat The Blackdown Beast When you hear a Sidmouth running club member mention The Blackdown Beast you get carried away with tales of pasties, mulled cider, pub...