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What A Mighty Green Week

What A Mighty Green Week

Eleven very happy Sidmouth Running Club beginners successfully completed the Mighty Green 5k nonstop run on Wednesday evening.  Course leader and chairman Terry Bewes said it was a great achievement...

Record Breaking 4 Trigs and not just the weather!

Record Breaking 4 Trigs and not just the weather!

One of the things that makes running so special is that no two runs are the same. There are lots of reasons; how you are feeling, who you are running...

The Beautifully Brutal Blackdown Beast

The Beautifully Brutal Blackdown Beast

Sidmouth Running Club was out in force on Saturday taking part in The Blackdown Beast.  The 16 mile social run with 10 mile option provides a great opportunity to use...

January Weather Does Not Deter The Mighty Greens!

January Weather Does Not Deter The Mighty Greens!

SRC run leader Bex McDonald timed her route to perfection on the Sunday run, finishing just before the heavy rain started.  Bex led the 9 mile off road run along...

Snakes and Circuits

Snakes and Circuits

Avoiding the muddy tracks of East Devon, Amelia Frankpitt ran on very different terrain in Western Australia recently when she entered the Perth 10k.  A 7am start avoided the worst...

SRC hits the (muddy) ground running into 2023

SRC hits the (muddy) ground running into 2023

SRC welcomed new members to its first club run of the year including nine in the Beginners group with more to join next week.  Chairman and beginners course leader Terry...