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Exe to Axe Race Summary

Exe to Axe Race Summary

Click here for the Exe to Axe 2016 Results Exe to Axe 2016 hope your legs are now ready for another run this weekend. Can you please leave some race...

Ottery 10k 2016 Report

Ottery 10k 2016 Report

Ten members were amongst the 215 who finished the Ottery 10K which we are told by the organisers is a fairly flat run on the roads and lanes around Ottery...

Exe to Axe Race

Exe to Axe Race

Sunday 3rd April, Race Starts at 10:00am For all Exe to Axe enquires please contact Paul Mitchell or enter via The Runners World Website. Event Closed: Race Results Links for...

Exe to Axe 2015

Exe to Axe 2015

Conditions for this year’s race turned out surprisingly well. Gales were forecast all along the Devon coast for the day and recent rains had made the route very muddy and...

Exe to Axe 2014

Exe to Axe 2014

The winter storms had played havoc with the Devon Coast line over the months prior to the race but, apart from one minor diversion leaving Sidmouth and a few fallen...

Exe to Axe 2008

Exe to Axe 2008

EXE TO AXE SUNDAY 30 MARCH 2008   The skies cleared, the rain stopped, the wind dropped. What more could the runners in the Exe to Axe ask for apart,...