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Two Marathon Tales

Two Marathon Tales

A Tale of Two Marathons Prolific SIDMOUTH Running Club marathon runner Jo Earlam took her total to 52 when she competed in the City to the Sea Marathon. The run...



John Keast in Bali  

Wednesday: Sunset

Wednesday: Sunset

The sun setting on the 6 mile group last night. A fitting image as last night was the last off-road training run of the year on a Wednesday evening. So...

Sunday: River Otter

Sunday: River Otter

What a colourful bunch. "The Sunday Long Run Series", Emma's title and I liked it, got off to a good start and we were pleased to welcome Polly Walton and...

Lustleigh 10k

Lustleigh 10k

The Lustleigh 10K While most of us were enjoying the sunny bank holiday Monday lazing on the beach eating ice-cream or crashed out by the swimming pool three of our...



Nigel in Buongiorno after a morning run