Sidmouth Running Club Goes International

It’s that time of year when the Mighty Green running shirts get packed in suitcases and taken on a road trip-or nearly!  Mark Norton forgot his when he recently took part in the Rise and Stride 10km in Long Beach California but he made sure Sidmouth was on his bib.  The Mighty Green ran his fastest 10k in a long time and finished first in 49:05.

Mark Norton in Long Beach CA

Wearing his Mighty Green shirt Tim Swarbrick stood out among the 2,000 runners and walkers taking part in the 12k Wine Run and walk in Lanzarote. The run is through the stunning wine growing area where vines are grown in little stone circles to protect them from the wind and sun.  The route uses farm tracks and paths which are covered in black volcanic gravel making it challenging underfoot with risk of injury and at best a running shoe full of small stones which adds to the pain!

Tim Swarbrick in Lanzarote

Tim completed the run in 1:13:00, an exceptional time considering the 26 degree heat. His wife Lois walked the same route with a group of friends in 2:35:00 and they all enjoyed the village festival at the end which included live music, amazing locally sourced food and of course, wine which Tim didn’t drink as he’s a beer drinker!