What A Mighty Green Week

Eleven very happy Sidmouth Running Club beginners successfully completed the Mighty Green 5k nonstop run on Wednesday evening.  Course leader and chairman Terry Bewes said it was a great achievement and testament to their hard work over the last five weeks.  The group are very encouraging and supportive to each other and it won’t be long before they are all happily and confidently running in the weekly club runs.

Smiles all round for the Beginners Group

A special mention goes to beginner Sue Goater who completed her 100th park run at Seaton last Saturday.  How can a beginner have run 100 Park runs? Sue is returning to running after a break and new to East Devon wanted the opportunity to meet people and get to know the area.  Well done Sue.

On Saturday Niall Hawkins and David King represented SRC at Exeter City Community Trust’s Half Marathon.

David King and Niall Hawkins ran the Exeter half

The 2 lap course started at Piazza Terracina, along the Quayside and around Riverside Valley Park. The event is held on Sunday too with an extended cut off time, Saturday’s event has a 2 hour cut off and both Niall and David were well within that time.  In fact Niall ran his first sub 90 half, 89.50 finishing in 58th place despite having ankle issues and David finished in 1:41:32, 93rd in a field of 176.  Congratulations to both.

Four Mighty Greens lined up under the SRC flag on Sunday morning at Exmouth seafront, 3 runners and a marshal.

Good to see injured MG Emma Grainger marshalling

They were taking part in the Bradleys 10k organised by Lizzie Mayne of LME Events.  The chilly wind didn’t deter Marion Johnson who had a great run along the two laps of Exmouth seafront and was first lady in her age category, finishing in 1:03:41,

Marion Johnson crossing the line

for Terry Bewes it was his longest run since having Covid and was very happy to have got around without stopping in a very respectable 1:07:31,

Terry Bewes reflecting on his first 10k since Covid

as for Alexa Baker, she finished eventually in 1:09:44. It was great to have MG marshal Emma Grainger cheering us on and the marshals from sponsor Bradleys-especially Sidmouth’s Stephen and Sarah French.

Marion Johnson with her prize for first woman in her age category

Down as a recovery run after the Blackdown Beast and the 4 Trigs, run leader Sarah Watkins ended up running a 12 miler, taking her group from Newton Poppleford to Budleigh Salterton and back.  Great training for the upcoming Grizzly, JP’s Exe to Axe and Sweetcombe Scramble marathon.

Beccy, Kathy, Kate and Ann enjoyed Sarah’s ‘recovery’ run